The First Fully Mobile
Residential Aged Care System

Person Centred Software's residential aged care (RAC) planning software enables care staff to evidence all aspects of care, from creating and managing person-centred care plans to risk assessments, charts and much more.


The First Fully Mobile
Residential Aged Care System

Person Centred Software's residential aged care (RAC) planning software enables care staff to evidence all aspects of care, from creating and managing person-centred care plans to risk assessments, charts and much more.

How does the Residential Aged Care Planning System work?

App Use PCS

Using a handheld device, aged care staff can quickly and easily select the resident they are with during their shift by tapping on their profile photo.

PCS Personalised Notes

Using relevant, personalised icons, staff can evidence the care they are giving; this pre-populates a care note and allows staff to add more detail if they wish.

PCS automatic updates

Care notes created through the device automatically update charts, reports, care plans and many other features in real-time throughout the system!

PCS Oversight of information

Aged care home managers have oversight of critical information covering care plans, risk assessments, daily records and charts.

What are the benefits of choosing Person Centred Software’s Aged Care Planning System?


  • Evidence care in real-time: An efficient and person-centred way of creating care notes!
  • Save staff time: give each nurse, carer and home manager 1 hour back per day to provide better care
  • Instant access to information: no more waiting around! 
  • Greater transparency: live monitoring of care with complete management oversight 
  • Increase staff retention: by providing an icon-driven system that makes their work less stressful  
  • Improve compliance: with regulators, as all the information they require is available within the system 


Book a demo with us today!

Join thousands of care providers using Residential Aged Care Planning System to digitally evidence care


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Join over 3,500 care providers using Residential Aged Care Planning System to digitally evidence care

PCS Residents Icon

Our customers

Take a look at what our valued customers have to say about our Residential Aged Care Planning System.
PCS Partners

An ecosystem of care

We partner with best-in-class organisations to integrate with our products, giving you the flexibility that suits your needs.
App Use PCS

Key features

Our Residential Aged Care Planning System has a wide range of features that aims to support care providers in driving outstanding care