About Person Centred Software

Our story


Person Centred Software Australia was launched in 2016 to help improve the quality of life for people in residential aged care and retirement living.

Person Centred Software offers a variety of unique solutions for both aged care and retirement living providers who value the integrity and individuality of each of their residents and the dedication and contribution of their workforce. 

The residential aged care and retirement living sector has long been at the forefront of adopting new technologies and innovations to improve and adapt their systems.   

With a shift towards consumer directed care and consumer choice, Person Centred Software Australia aims to support providers’ ability to practise a more ‘person-centred’ approach without having to compromise on their ability to evidence and document care if needed.  

We will continue to develop our products to support our providers in fulfilling their requirements and believe a person-centred approach, highly informed data driven decision making and innovating clinical documentation processes will pave the way forward.  

Person Centred Software Australia has consulted with industry leaders, partnered with ‘best-in-breed’ industry technology and participated in university studies to continuously strive to deliver better outcomes to the residential aged care and retirement living sector. 

Digfital Care System - Phone - Global badge

What we stand for 

Our Mission

To lead in improving systems used in aged care and retirement living using innovative technology in order to simplify care and operations, making life easier for staff.

Our Vision

Harness technology to improve the lives of everybody involved in aged care and retirement living by building an ecosystem of solutions; to do this, we work with several best-of-breed partners who integrate with our products.

Our Values

To nurture, support and empower everyone in aged care and retirement living, helping to drive outstanding care and operational excellence.

Our Objectives

  • In aged care and retirement living, the primary objective must be to improve the quality of life for everyone being serviced to or cared for, but we believe this should also extend to the people providing the care and service.

  • Staff do their job because they love caring for people and providing the best possible service, so why wrap them up in admin work? We aim to make the admin fit in with the care routine or daily operational tasks, not the other way around.

  • And residents? – what do these people really want? Surely, they want to be comfortable, safe, and happy. We measure their happiness, making it the core of the products we provide.

The Person Centred Software timeline

Person Centred Software


Person Centred Software was born!

PCS Office

February 2016

The Person Centred Software HQ office in the UK opened! 

PCS Australia


Our First customer in Australia!

PCS Care System Laptop


We reached 1000 care providers using our system!

Centrim Products Aus


Launched partnership with Centrim Life! 


May 2022

ATLAS eMAR joined Person Centred Software!

PCS Sunday time 100 award crop

July 2022

We were listed as one of the top 100 fastest growing private businesses in the UK for 2022 in The Sunday Times 100, Britain's fastest-growing private companies!

PCS DIgital Care Device

October 2022

We are supporting over 100,000 residents globally!