Resident Experience Platform

Enhance your resident experience in your community

The Resident Experience Platform (ResHub) is an innovative resident experience technology that connects residents, families, and staff together in one single platform.  

This directly enhances the daily lives of residents and optimises health outcomes while also driving operational excellence and opening new revenue growth opportunities for operators.
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How does the Resident Experience Platform work?

The Resident Experience Platform (ResHub) is an innovative resident experience technology that connects residents, families, and staff together in one single platform.  

This directly enhances the daily lives of residents and optimises health outcomes while also driving operational excellence and opening new revenue growth opportunities for operators. 

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For Residents

A tailored experience and research-backed solution that connects residents to the people in their lives that have an impact on their lived experience and daily wellness. 

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For Families

For all family engagement needs, allowing family members to stay connected and engaged with their loved ones who are being cared for. 

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For Staff

Enhance operations by having visibility into reports, real-time information on resident insights, updating families proactively and spending more meaningful time with residents. 

Personalise Your Resident Experience Platform

Daily Care Updates

Providing families with instant access to care information through a user-friendly portal that allows care services to manage the visibility of information for family members.    

*Only available for mCare users.

Lifestyle Calendar Management & Activity Tracking

Enhance resident engagement in social events and activities at your care home by using customisable calendars, lifestyle lists, and schedules. Gain insights into resident participation levels, popular activities, and social engagement. Automatically publish digital calendars, and have the flexibility to brand, style, and print calendars.  

Engagement & Communication Management

Facilitate seamless communication where staff can effortlessly share updates, images, videos, and messages with families on a personalised basis, creating a meaningful connection to the daily experiences of their loved ones within your facility. Residents can stay connected with their families no matter where they are through video calling. Both family and staff can schedule video calls directly through the platform, eliminating the need for additional logins or applications. 

Concierge Services & Gifting Management

Residents and families can conveniently order and pay for various services, including salon appointments, room service, personalised TV packages, and external services with just a simple click. Residents appreciate the ease it adds to the ordering process, while family members value the convenience of purchasing gifts and services for their loved ones. 

Survey Management

Create tailored surveys effortlessly with our user-friendly survey creator that offers customisable options to suit your needs. Easily distribute surveys to residents and families, with the ability to download and analyse the results. Our survey templates are designed to align with compliance regulators, enabling you to gather meaningful evidence. 

Digital Signage

Improve information sharing and communication within your facility. Our user-friendly content creator enables customised digital signage communications to be easily implemented throughout each facility. 

How can our Resident Experience Platform benefit you

PCS Handover
Residents, staff and families feel connected, valued and appreciated without being intrusive 
Drive revenue growth and reduce operational costs, promoting operational excellence across your organisation 
PCS Mental Health Support
Improves resident satisfaction and extends length of stay through data-driven resident-centric care
PCS Empower
Provides residents with an active role in their wellbeing 
PCS Carer
Enables staff to deliver a personalised experience based on residents’ needs 
PCS Regional Manager
Intentional focus on the overall resident experience 
PCS Group Activities

Engages, enables and empowers your care organisation to create the exceptional experience your residents deserve

PCS Relatives
Helps to reduce feelings of loneliness and involve families in a loved one's life more efficiently 
PCS automatic updates
Reduces administrative work for care staff, making their lives easier 

Best-of-breed digital solutions 

Person Centred Software offers a range of products and services, all with one goal, to improve the quality of life for both residents and staff. We partner with best-in-class organisations to integrate with our products, giving you the flexibility to use our solutions in a way which best suits your needs! 

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Operations Management Software

All-in-one operations management & community engagement tool that simplifies communications, dining, maintenance and more.

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Clinical Care System

Person Centred Software's Clinical Care Management System is used by single sites to large organisations globally.

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Wellbeing & Activities Platform

Explore our extensive range of specialist activity programmes available 24-7 with Oomph! on-demand, tailored to meet the interests and needs of those in care.