Saving time in your Retirement Living Village:
Top Hints & Tips!

Managing a retirement living village can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also be challenging and time-consuming. As a retirement living technology supplier, we understand that your time is valuable and that there are many demands on your schedule.  

In this guide, we provide you with tips and techniques for saving time and streamlining your retirement village operations. We'll explore ways to reduce paperwork, simplify communication, and optimise your workflow so that you can focus on what matters - providing exceptional service to your residents. Whether you are a retirement village manager or an administrative staff member, this guide is designed to help you work more efficiently and effectively. 

Before we dive into the hints and tips to help you save time in your retirement village...  

It is important to note that implementing changes to retirement living work practices will require buy-in and support from management, staff and residents. Without their support, it can be challenging for one person to make lasting changes. Additionally, it's best to focus on one change at a time, such as one per month. Doing this will ensure that any changes made are properly prioritised, and implemented, and have a better chance of lasting success.

As you make changes to your retirement living management work practices, it is essential to update any related documentation, such as policies, procedures, checklists, or forms. These updates ensure that everyone is on the same page and following the same processes, reducing the risk of errors or confusion. Keeping documentation up to date also allows for smoother training of new staff, ensuring that they are following the correct procedures from day one. 

Taking the initiative to explore ways to improve your current work practices is the first step. We understand that it can be daunting to consider implementing new systems and processes, but we assure you that the benefits of doing so will far outweigh any initial apprehension. By taking it one step at a time, consulting with your colleagues and residents as required, as well as updating documentation, you will be well on your way to creating a more efficient, effective, and retirement village operating system. 

Older couple happy living in a retirement village

1. Managing Leads in Retirement Villages

As a retirement living operator, managing leads is a crucial part of your operations. However, this process can be time-consuming and inefficient, especially when information is scattered across various spreadsheets or documents. Here are some common issues and timewasters associated with managing leads in a retirement village: 

  • Outdated information: When leads are kept in separate spreadsheets or documents, it is easy to lose track of the latest version. This can result in outdated information being used to contact prospective residents, which can make the village appear unprofessional and could potentially lose a sale. 
  • Lack of information: When lead details are kept in a spreadsheet or on paper often the person responsible for the sales function keeps valuable information related to the sale in their head which has potential for a poor customer experience 
  • Handover time: When the person responsible for sales goes on leave, it can be challenging for their replacement to pick up where they left off, particularly when information is scattered across multiple files or systems.

Fortunately, implementing a centralised system in retirement villages can help streamline lead management and address these challenges. Here are some benefits of using a centralised system:

PCS Care Notes
Single source of truth

By having one system, staff can input and access the latest information, reducing the risk of outdated information being used to contact prospective residents.

PCS Reporting
Improved reporting

With a single system, it is easier to generate reports for retirement living management or the board, providing greater visibility into your lead management process.

PCS Handover
Smooth handovers
When all CRM information and required tasks are stored in a centralised system, handover time is minimised, making it easier for replacement staff to take over seamlessly when staff go on leave. 

Here are some hints and tips for saving time when managing leads: 

Older people living happily in retirement village

2. Managing Incoming Residents  

When a resident is moving into a retirement living village, there are several important steps that need to be taken, such as managing documentation, orientations, and property preparation. One of the most important aspects of managing incoming residents is having a single source of truth for all resident information. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors or miscommunication.  

  • Resident information in a central location ensures that all relevant staff members have access to the latest information, regardless of their location or schedule. 
  • By having to enter resident information only once, staff can save time and know that the information is correct rather than having to update it in several different systems.  
  • The ability to add notes to specific residents can help ensure that all staff members are aware of any important details or considerations. 
  • A centralised system can also help clarify contract obligations and maintenance responsibilities for variations added to the unit, as is the case with any alterations and additions.  

Some hints and tips for saving time when managing incoming residents are: 

Older group of friends living in retirement village

3. Ongoing Retirement Village Management  

While managing maintenance requests, budgets, and compliance with legislation are all important aspects of retirement living management, village operators often focus on prioritising their residents' needs and expectations. By making ongoing and repetitive tasks more efficient and automating non-resident-facing activities, village operators can free up valuable time to invest in building stronger relationships with their residents. This could involve organising events, upgrading common areas, implementing continuous improvements or responding to individual resident’s requests.  

Top hints and tips by area:  

Property and maintenance:  

Retirement Living Village maintenance on tap


Retirement Living Village maintenance on roof - contractor work

Residents’ communication and access to information:

Older couple happy sitting in gardens of their retirement village

Making the change

There are many more ways to improve and save time in retirement villages, but the best person to know how to do that in the context of your village is you.

Streamlining your operations can lead to significant benefits, including time savings and increased efficiency. By implementing changes, with support from management and staff, you can make lasting improvements that will benefit both staff and retirement communities. With a willingness to improve, your retirement village can become more efficient, effective, and professional, ultimately leading to a better experience for everyone involved.

Book a demo today to find out more about how our Operations Management Software can support retirement village operators and the retirement living sector to achieve an efficient workforce and high standards of resident satisfaction.