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Jul 12, 2024

Tips & Content Ideas for your Resident Engagement App

We all know that engaging residents within retirement living communities through innovative solutions is key to fostering a sense of community and connection.

Once you’ve implemented a digital engagement solution in your organisation, the real challenge lies in providing compelling content that motivates residents to actively use the engagement app. We understand that building resident engagement is not just about the tool, but also about the value it brings to them.

We’ve curated a list of valuable content ideas to enrich your engagement app and keep residents coming back for more!

The Initial Step

Understanding Resident Preferences

group of seniors using resident engagement app

One effective approach towards creating engaging content within the app involves understanding the preferences and interests of your residents. Initiating a survey or poll within the app to gather insights on their preferred activities, services, and information can help tailor the app's content to meet their specific interests. Additionally, asking about their current engagement with other digital platforms, such as local forums or news, can provide valuable insights for content curation.

The Secret Sauce of Engagement

Developing a Content Rollout Plan

Before launching the app to residents, it's crucial to develop a content rollout plan with your village staff. This plan includes strategising who will contribute content, what type of content will be shared, and when it will be posted on the app. This structured approach ensures a consistent flow of relevant and engaging content, capturing the residents' interest and encouraging frequent app visits.

Ideas to Elevate Your Resident Engagement App

  1. Newsletter Articles:

Sharing village newsletter articles, making them easily accessible and interactive for residents.

  1. Get to Know Staff Features:

Introducing staff members, their roles, and personal stories to create a closer bond with the residents.

  1. Local Events:

Highlighting upcoming local events of interest to residents within the community.

  1. Resident Birthdays and Staff Birthdays:

Celebrating and recognising birthdays to foster a sense of community.

  1. National Days:

Acknowledging and celebrating national days and events relevant to residents.

  1. Interactive Features:

Encouraging residents to share their own stories, experiences, and personal insights within the app.

  1. Activity Promotion and Photos:

Showcasing upcoming village activities and sharing images, igniting interest and excitement across the community.

  1. Welcome New Residents:

Welcoming new residents and sharing their stories to ease their transition into the community.

  1. Local Services and Helpful Contact Features:

Providing information about local services in the community and necessary contacts for convenience.

  1. Policy and Maintenance Reminders:

Sending important and timely reminders and updates on policies, maintenance, and battery replacements.

  1. History and Highlights:

Sharing historical insights about the village and highlighting its unique features.

  1. Health, Finance, and Well-being:

Offering health tips, finance advice, and promoting well-being through informative articles.

  1. Local Business, Shopping Promotions and Travel Deals:

Supporting local businesses and sharing shopping discounts and deal promotions locally and for overseas travel.

  1. Village Behind-the-Scenes:

Providing glimpses into the village's operations, events, and behind-the-scenes stories.

  1. Exercise and Volunteer Opportunities:

Promoting exercise classes, walking trails, and volunteer opportunities within the community.

  1. Ageing Well:

Sharing government information and resources about ageing well and living a fulfilling retirement life.

Implementing these tips and content ideas will encourage your residents to utilise the engagement app and effectively transform your resident engagement app into a vibrant and interactive platform. By providing valuable, relevant, and engaging content, retirement living operators can cultivate a thriving digital ecosystem and foster deeper connections within the village community.

Want to find out more about our resident engagement app? Book a demo today!

July 12, 2024

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