Alexander Aged Care’s digital transformation journey



Case Study

Delivering care more efficiently and improving daily operations

Alexander Aged Care, located in Brookvale, Sydney, is home to 58 residents with many cultural backgrounds and is operated by the Armenian Rest Home Association - a not-for-profit organisation registered as a charity. The Armenian Rest Home Association began providing aged care accommodation in the 1980s to Armenian and wider community members.

In this case study, Mariola Suwart, Director of Nursing at Alexander Aged Care, shares her thoughts about their usage of Centrim Life’s Operations Management Software and their digital journey with Person Centred Software and best-in-breed partners.

How did you embark on your digital journey with Centrim Life?

In the beginning, we were looking to digitise our maintenance processes as it was all on paper, and it was difficult to keep track of everything, so we desperately needed a system that could help with managing ad-hoc maintenance jobs where staff members could easily create maintenance requests and schedule them monthly or quarterly.

At the time, we had a great relationship with Person Centred Software as we had been using its Clinical Care System for many years and heard that they were launching an Operations Management Software powered by Centrim Life that would be able to digitise and streamline our maintenance operations.

Upon looking further into the end-to-end operations management software, not only would it be able to support our maintenance processes through its Maintenance & Asset Management feature, but we were also impressed with other features like Visitor Management and Feedback & Quality Management. With that, we decided to implement Centrim Life as our operations management software at Alexander Aged Care, which was about 2 years ago.

Ultimately, we decided to implement Centrim Life rather than other systems due to the cost and simplicity. The operations management software is so intuitive and easy to navigate, and it isn’t very expensive either. Compared to other systems on the market that are far too complicated, with long, tedious forms and so repetitive, Centrim Life stood out for us due to its simplicity.

What benefits have you noticed since implementing Centrim Life?

Since we’ve gone digital, we have saved so much time requesting and resolving maintenance jobs at our sites. We have a daily process where we have QR codes at our nursing station, and staff members can easily scan the QR code to view any maintenance requests that need resolving; this has helped us keep track of everything and works very well for us.

In terms of our visitor management process, especially when the pandemic hit, it has been great for us to have visibility and an overview of all types of visitors going in and out of our sites, which has helped us with peace of mind and the health and safety of our residents.

The feedback and quality management feature has been incredibly useful and is compliant with the aged care quality standards. We have been able to easily create and send surveys to staff, residents, and families to collect their feedback and generate reports. The incident section of the feature has also been great to have, as we were able to record any hazards or accidents that happened on-site and have an overview of that data for our reporting as well. There is also a Plan for Continuous Improvement (PCI) section within the system, enabling us to create and manage new PCIs accordingly. Furthermore, it helped us with reporting during our accreditation.

Centrim Life has allowed us to see all the important information in one place, making evaluating and actioning tasks much easier. We would have never been able to do all this using our previous paper-based processes; it was truly such a nightmare. Going digital and choosing Centrim Life has enabled us to focus on providing the best care to our residents instead of being bogged down with administrative tasks.

Compared to other systems on the market that are far too complicated, Centrim Life stood out for us due to its simplicity and cost.
Mariola Suwart
Director of Nursing, Alexander Aged Care

Since implementing Person Centred Software's Clinical Care System and other integrated partners, how has the experience been?

It has been many years since implementation, and I would not change a thing! Staff members at Alexander Aged Care love the Clinical Care System as it is great to be able to evidence care at the point of delivery and have all that information at your fingertips. Another key point is that the Care Delivery App is icon-driven, making it much easier for our non-English speaking staff to enter in progress notes. All they have to do is select the icons, and the system automatically generates the progress notes for them, which has been incredibly valuable. Staff don’t have to sit in front of the computer typing in progress notes at the end of their shift; they have the freedom to be with the residents they care for.

It has been great to see that through the years of using the Clinical Care System, Person Centred Software is always one step ahead and updating the software according to upcoming standards like the Mandatory Care Minutes Reporting. Another thing that we are always impressed by is the customer support that we receive at Person Centred Software; if we have any issues at all, we can easily get hold of the customer support team, and they are always there to go above and beyond in supporting us no matter how small or big the issue is – this is something that we really value and appreciate.

Since implementing Person Centred Software’s Clinical Care System and its Operations Management Software powered by Centrim Life, we also decided to implement other digital solutions like an electronic medication management software from Webstercare and a pain assessment tool from PainChek.

It was important for us to choose systems that integrated with each other so that our resident information flowed seamlessly through each system, reducing the need for multiple data entries; this has allowed us to create a truly connected care environment in our organisation.

If you would like to know more about our feature-rich aged care software, including our Clinical Care System and Operations Management Software, visit here for more info or get in touch with a member of our team.  

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