About Person Centred Software

Our story 


Person Centred Software was founded in 2013 to help improve the quality of life for people in social care. 

With an ageing population and large-scale recruitment challenges, this was and still is one of the burning issues of our time, and improvement cannot happen quickly enough. With over 20 years of experience developing technology for the care sector, we know passion creates the best opportunity for real change. Our growing teams in the UK and across the globe continue to help drive digital development in the sector. In 2022 we acquired ATLAS eMAR, bringing ATLAS into our range of products and allowing us to continue our vision of creating a best-of-breed ecosystem of care to improve the quality of life for people in social care. 

mCare, Oomph, ATLAS - multi device mock up

With care staff and residents in mind, we strive to stay true to our values by ensuring our products   remain easy to use and flexible to nurture to help support and empower everyone in social care.  

We're on a mission to improve the lives of those living and working within social care settings through digital transformation.  We want to see the best outcomes to be achieved and we want those support people to meet those outcomes to spend more time doing the things they want to do and less time on administrative processes. Whilst we might not be directly caring for people ourselves; we are driven by the knowledge that our solutions are actually making lives better and helping drive the quality of care. 

Our mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

To lead in improving systems used in social care globally using innovative technology in order to simplify care and make life easier for carers. 

Our Vision

Harness technology to improve the lives of everybody involved in social care by building an ecosystem of care; to do this, we work with several best-of-breed partners who integrate with our products and offer our range of products. 

Our Values

To nurture, support and empower everyone in social care, helping to drive outstanding care 

Our Objectives

  • In social care, the primary objective must be to improve the quality of life for everyone being cared for, but we believe this should also extend to the people providing the care

  • Carers do their job because they love caring for people, so why wrap them up in admin work, writing daily records of what they do? We aim to make the admin fit in with the care routine, not the other way around

  • And residents? – what do these people really want? Surely, they want to be comfortable, safe, and happy. We measure their happiness, making it the core of the product we provide

The Person Centred Software timeline


Person Centred Software was born!
Person Centred Software

February 2016

The Person Centred Software official office opened!
PCS Office


Our First customer in Australia!
PCS Australia


We reached 1000 care providers using our system!
PCS Nurse call messaging

February 2021

We went live with GP Connect to give care homes access to GP records for direct care purposes and the National Record Locator to make hospital packs available to NHS services
GP Connect - timeline

April 2021

Digital Reception was created!
Person Centred Software Digital Reception

June 2021

Person Centred Software joins the NHS assured solutions list.
NEW NHS Assured Solution Badge - white background

October 2021

Nursecall Messaging Service began.
Nursecall Messgaing Service

May 2022

ATLAS eMAR joined Person Centred Software!
ATLAS PCS Aqusition

July 2022

We were listed as one of the top 100 fastest growing private businesses in the UK for 2022 in The Sunday Times 100, Britain's fastest-growing private companies!
PCS Sunday time 100 award crop

January 2023

Oomph Wellness, the UK's number one wellbeing company for older adults, joined the Person Centred Software family of products! 
Oomph 1

January 2023

The Maintenance and Asset Management Tool began being sold.
Maintenance staff app (1)-1

January 2024

Person Centred Software acquired Depensys.
Depensys Laptop