Care planning

What is Care Planning?

Care planning allows care providers to understand why a resident is receiving care, the resident's medical history, preferences and personal details. It also provides vital information to care staff to help them provide the best possible care, support and treatment, helping to improve residents' safety and quality of life.

It plays a crucial role in ensuring individuals receive the tailored support they need. It involves a collaborative process between care professionals, residents and family members to create personalised care plans that address specific health conditions and support needs.

An effective care planning process meets both the social and medical needs of the people you support. Creating comprehensive person-centred care plans through a digital care planning system allows care providers to access residents’ preferences and important information at the point of care through the care app, when and where it’s needed. 

The Care Planning Process

The care planning process begins with a comprehensive needs assessment. This assessment identifies the person's care requirements, preferences, and concerns, paving the way for the development of a person-centred care plan. Throughout this process, active involvement of the person receiving care, their family members, and care professionals is essential to ensure the plan reflects their individual needs and goals.

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The benefits of a Care and Support Plan using Person Centred Software

  • Accessible at all times
  • Person-centred care plans
  • Information feeds in automatically
  • Incorporates body maps and wound care
  • Provides secure digital access 
  • Holistic assessments
  • Industry acknowledged tools
  • Automatic review alerts
  • Monitor effectiveness of care plans
  • Track consistent care needs 


Our Clinical Information System (CIS) is tailored to support the Aged Care Quality Standards, specifically focusing on Standard 5: Clinical Care. Our system integrates seamlessly with the framework outlined by the Aged Care Quality Standards, ensuring adherence to the highest standards of care delivery for elderly individuals. Care providers can enhance efficiency, accuracy, and accountability in care planning processes. From comprehensive assessments to personalised care plans and continuous monitoring, our CIS empowers caregivers to deliver optimal outcomes while prioritising the well-being and dignity of every resident.

Personalised care planning aims to maintain independence and control over daily life while providing necessary support and assistance. It involves considering changing needs and risks, ensuring that care plans are regularly reviewed and updated to adapt to evolving circumstances. By prioritising the person's wellbeing and quality of life, personalised care planning helps achieve positive outcomes and supports the person in achieving their desired level of independence.