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Jul 18, 2024

Person Centred Software's data migration process explained

Switching care software providers or migrating from paper to digital? It's easier than you think! 


Migrating from paper to digital 

According to the Department of Health and Social Care, as of May 2024, nearly 70% of adult social care providers have a digital system for social care records. 

Larger care organisations and providers with multiple sites can benefit significantly from transitioning from paper to a digital social care record system.  

Similarly, smaller, independent care homes can also experience substantial benefits from embracing digital solutions.

However, some are hesitant to go digital due to the following reasons: 

  • Time efficiency is not an issue, as there are only a few residents, and it doesn't take that long to complete care notes
  • A person-centred approach is already in place; they know their residents well, as there are not many of them 
  • Bespoke care plans, which they've built for themselves, are already in place and include all the information they need
  • Small income, no budget for going digital
  • Against using devices, as it gives the impression that staff are not fully focused on their tasks
  • Feel that the switch to digital is more for regulatory benefits rather than the care organisations 
  • Staff are anti-tech 

While these reasons may seem valid, the advantages of transitioning far outweigh any potential drawbacks. 

Embracing digital solutions offers numerous advantages:

  • Care professionals can work more efficiently and effectively
  • Get access to crucial information more easily
  • Spend less time on administrative tasks and dedicate more time to the individuals under their care
  • Improve compliance with the regulator 
  • Securely share relevant information between health and social care organisations
  • Store care notes easily and securely, requiring less physical space
  • Use and compare data to improve people's care
  • Be aware of when people's needs change, enabling a quick response 

Going digital also eliminates the risk of losing information, as all the data is geo-replicated and backed up instantly to multiple servers.

Furthermore, going digital gives care home managers complete oversight of what is happening within the home/homes, along with many other benefits our data migration team can explain in detail. 



Switching care software providers 

Are you currently facing challenges with your existing care management software? Have you encountered issues with reliability, user-friendliness, or not getting enough support from your supplier? Or you may be experiencing system outages impacting your ability to provide the best care.  


Gathering insights from other care organisations is essential if you're considering switching to a different care software provider. Conversations with these organisations allow you to gain valuable information about their software solutions and receive recommendations on the most suitable system for your needs.  

In addition, you can understand why many care providers are choosing to use our digital social care record system, mCare.

Click here to learn about the features and benefits that have convinced numerous providers to switch to mCare for their care planning requirements. 

Our data migration process

We offer a few data migration options, each providing everything you need to digitise your care plans/support plans.

Person Centred Software can transfer your care plans to mCare, whether paper-based or already digital, so you can quickly maximise the benefits of our system.

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Click here to view our data migration packages.  


When migrating from an existing solution to mCare, the ability to import data depends on the source solution and your ability to extract information from it; we support multiple routes to importing data and can have discussions about specific data import requirements as required. 

Book a consultation to speak to our data migration team today

Whether you are paper-based or moving from a digital solution to mCare, we do all the hard work for you! 


July 18, 2024

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