The UK’s most widely used Electronic Care Planning System

Person Centred Software's electronic  care planning system enables care staff to evidence all aspects of care, from creating and managing person-centred care plans to risk assessments, charts and much more.

PCS Time saving

Time Saving

Gives each nurse, carer and
home manager 1 hour back per
day to provide better care

PCS Number one choice

The number 1 choice for care staff

Icon-driven, real-time evidence
of care: An efficient and person-
centred way of creating care notes!
PCS Staff retention

Improves staff retention

Reduction in staff turnover by
providing a digital system that
makes their work less stressful

Introducing our

Electronic Care Planning System in 60 seconds

What are the benefits of choosing Person Centred Software’s Electronic Care Planning System?

Icon driven care notes - device


PCS App Use
Instant access to information:

no more waiting around!

PCS Care Notes_1
Share & view GP records and medical notes

of the residents they care for in real-time. 

PCS Compliance manager
Live monitoring of care

with complete management oversight

PCS UK Support
A UK based team covering support, development & technical aspects

all designed to ensure our customers gain the best experience from their investment.

What unique benefits will I get with PCS?

  • Saves each carer, nurse and home manager over 1 hour per day compared to paper based records and other digital systems

  • Icon driven care notes with over 9 million care interactions recorded daily

  • 95% of our 6,000+ care homes are rated as Good or Outstanding with our Digital Care Planning System improving compliance with the regulator.
PCS - reduced
Electronic care planning: Everything care providers need to know

Electronic care planning: Deliver person-centred care at the click of a button and revolutionise your care business with cutting-edge digital solutions.

Reasons why adopting an electronic care planning system will help your care setting

Discover the benefits of adopting an electronic care planning system in your care setting.

How electronic care planning has proven to be a valuable time-saving tool for the Downes Residential Home

Person Centred Software's electronic care planning system has benefited the Downes Residential Care Home by saving time and reducing costs.

Book a demo with us today!

Join over 6,000 care providers using Electronic  Care Planning System to digitally evidence care