GP Connect

Connecting care homes and GPs

What is GP Connect?

GP Connect is a service that enables authorised care professionals to quickly and efficiently share and view GP records and medical notes of the residents they care for in real-time.


How does GP Connect work with our Digital Care System? 

Our GP Connect integration consumes data directly from multiple GP systems, connecting care homes and GPs. 

GP Connect Graphic

Examples of the type of information made available through the GP Connect service:

  • Encounters – e.g. hospital visits 

  • Active problems and issues – e.g. diagnosis 

  • Allergies and adverse reactions 

  • Acute and repeat medication

  • Referrals 

  • Observations – e.g. pulse, oxygen saturation
  • Immunisations 


You’ll find some useful information about GP Connect here: 



Leading the way to connecting health and social care

  • Locations activated GP Connect:

    222 Care provider brands
    882 Locations
    38,361 Beds covered 
  • 3,917 Clinicians accessed GP Connect

  • 150,979 GP records accessed 

  • 22,683 Residents GP records accessed 

  • All Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) 

  • Live since Feb 2021 

Launching revolutionary integration with GP Connect

The key benefits of the integration with GP Connect is that our nurses now have access to real time information as well as a clear picture of historic care for our residents. The vast amount of time saved by having instantaneous accessibility is beneficial for not only our nurses but for GPs too as we no longer need to call GPs for updates or information.
Mike Armstrong
Managing Director at Havering Care Homes

What is needed to access GP Connect?

  • You need to sign the “NHS GP Connect HTML product data sharing” Data Share Agreement in the Digital Care System
  • The GP Connect view can only be used to access data for residents under your direct care
  • The GP Connect service is only available to care homes in England
We feel extremely privileged to be amongst the first to use the integration and the feedback we’ve received from nursing staff so far has been brilliant. By logging into the system, staff can now see all relevant medical records related to residents and without having to chase individual GP surgeries.
The time-saving benefits to our staff are going to be huge, and the system will also improve our knowledge base of the individuals we care for. We’re thrilled to be one of the first care homes in the country to use the integration and we look forward to it becoming part of our everyday lives.
Shehzad Jivraj
Head of Operations at Clearstone Care
Anita Astle MBE
Managing Director at Wren Hall Nursing Home
GP Connect - Non-clinical access to residents’ GP records

Attention Registered Managers and Non-Clinicians – you are now eligible to access GP records via GP Connect.

1 year of using GP Connect

Find out how we have helped care providers get quick and easy access to GP records.

Our Joined Up Care initiatives

PCS GP Connect

GP Connect

PCS eRed bag


PCS Reporting-1

Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

PCS Oversight of information

National Record Locator (NRL)


Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)

PCS Secuirty

Information Governance and Security