Dementia care

How our Connected Care Platform is improving the experience of care for people living with dementia

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What is dementia?

Dementia is a group of symptoms caused by different diseases that damage the brain. The symptoms of dementia get worse over time and may include, but are not limited to:

  • Thinking speed
  • Loss of memory
  • Thinking speed
  • Confusion and needing help with daily tasks
  • Changes in behaviour
  • Problems with language and understanding 

Individuals living with dementia may experience a loss of interest in their usual activities, and they may have difficulties managing their behaviour or emotions. Since dementia affects a person's mental abilities, they may also find it challenging to plan and organise. Additionally, maintaining their independence can become a problem, along with many other challenges.

Dementia is progressive, which means symptoms may be relatively mild at first but get worse over time.

What are the signs and symptoms of dementia?

It is worth noting that dementia affects individuals differently; it differs from person to person. Furthermore, different types of dementia tend to have different effects on people, particularly during the early stages. 

However, there are a few common early signs and symptoms associated with dementia. 

These include:

  • Memory loss - for example, people living with dementia may have difficulty recalling things that happened recently.
  • Difficulties with language and communication – for example, individuals may struggle to follow a conversation or find the right word for something.
  • Difficulty concentrating, organising or planning - for example, finding it difficult to make decisions, solve problems, or follow a series of steps (such as cooking a meal).
  • Misunderstanding what they see – for example, difficulty judging distances (e.g., on stairs), perceiving the edges of objects, and misinterpreting patterns or reflections.
  • Confusion about time or place – for example, losing track of time or date or being confused about where they are.
  • Mood changes or difficulty controlling emotions – for example, becoming unusually anxious, irritable, sad or frightened, losing interest in things and experiencing personality changes.


What are the most common types of dementia?

The most common types of dementia are:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Vascular dementia
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
  • Frontotemporal dementia.

How many people are living with dementia in the UK?


According to Alzheimer's Research UK, the UK's leading Alzheimer's research charity aiming to find a cure for dementia, the number of people living with dementia was estimated to be close to one million in 2021 (944,000), and by 2050 this figure is expected to rise to 1.6 million.

One in two of us will be affected by dementia in our lifetime, either by caring for someone with the condition, developing it ourselves, or both. 

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Alzheimer's Society, a care and research charity for people with dementia and their carers in the UK, estimates that 70 per cent of people in care homes have dementia or severe memory problems. Additionally, 60 per cent of people who receive homecare support are living with dementia.

What is dementia care?

Dementia care provides specialised support to people living with dementia. Since dementia affects each individual differently, care organisations should tailor their care and support to each person's unique needs. Dementia care is designed to help a person with dementia manage their symptoms, and it's provided by experienced and trained carers who have a deep understanding of the condition and the challenges that come with it. 


Dementia care, which refers to caring for all conditions defined as dementia, involves care at all stages, from the early stages, when people may have difficulty with concentration or finding the right words during conversations, to the later stages, when people may become disorientated and lose the concept of time, or experience loss of recognition, where the individual may no longer be able to recognise their partner, family members or friends. 

Specialist dementia care aims to reduce the symptoms of dementia where possible and to provide security and assurance. It may also include reminiscence therapy, dietary adjustments, physical activity, and support for managing sundowning and behaviour that challenges.

Why is dementia care so important?

Dementia care is specialised care and support provided to individuals diagnosed with dementia. Dementia care is important as it addresses the needs of individuals living with dementia and includes support for their families and carers. 

It's important to understand why dementia care is crucial.

Here are some key reasons:

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Enhances quality of life

Dementia can significantly impact an individual's cognitive and functional abilities, but proper care and support can enhance their quality of life by promoting their independence and wellbeing.



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Supports emotional and psychological wellbeing

Dementia can have a significant emotional impact on the individual living with dementia and their loved ones. Care homes that specialise in dementia care provide essential support to help individuals and their families cope with the challenges that come with the symptoms. This type of care can be particularly helpful in supporting the emotional and psychological wellbeing of those affected by dementia.

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Improves safety

People living with dementia may experience memory loss, difficulty with decision-making and judgment, and vulnerability to accidents and harm. Dementia care is crucial as it includes measures to ensure individuals' safety and prevent accidents.


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Improves medication safety

There is no cure for dementia yet, but medicines and other treatments can help with the symptoms. Proper medication management is crucial for controlling symptoms and improving quality of life. Care organisations that specialise in dementia have a team of care professionals who are trained in medication management and can ensure each resident takes their medications as prescribed.

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Improves cognitive stimulation

Engaging activities can help stimulate cognitive function and potentially slow the progression of dementia. Programs designed to challenge an individual's cognitive abilities are often included in dementia care.

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Provides nutritional support

People with dementia may experience problems with eating and drinking, and it's quite common for their appetite to change as their condition progresses. Dementia care can involve support with meal planning and feeding to ensure proper nutrient intake. 

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Assistance with personal hygiene and daily living

Dementia care often involves assisting individuals with daily living activities, such as bathing, toileting, and dressing, as individuals living with dementia may struggle with these tasks due to cognitive impairment.

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Increases social engagement

Social isolation is a common problem faced by many people living with dementia. Dementia care often includes social programs, games, activities, and a person-centred approach focused on engagement, reminiscence, and community involvement to help individuals remain engaged and connected with their communities. 

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Helps to plan for the future

Dementia is progressive, which means signs and symptoms may be relatively mild at first but get worse with time. Dementia care involves long-term planning to address future needs, including legal and financial arrangements.


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Improves communication

Dementia affects everyone differently, so it's important to communicate in a way that is right for the person. Dementia can impair communication skills, making it challenging for individuals to express their needs, wishes, and emotions. Carers trained in dementia care can use specialised communication techniques to improve understanding and reduce frustration. 

How does the Connected Care Platform improve dementia care?

Our Connected Care Platform, an all-in-one cloud-based care management platform that covers the full spectrum of care management through integrated solutions, significantly improves dementia care for people living with dementia. 

Here are just a few of the Connected Care Platform's integrated solutions that help improve dementia care: 
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Digital Social Care Record System, mCare 

Our digital social care record system, mCare, has many features that help with dementia care. For example, mCare's 'Who I Am' feature, modelled on Alzheimer's Society's 'This is Me' tool, helps improve the quality of information and ease of information sharing. 

Along with other information, 'Who I Am' includes:

  • Things that are important to the resident
  • Routines
  • What the resident likes to talk about
  • What makes the resident feel better if they are upset or anxious
  • Life story
  • How to best support the resident
  • Wishes for the future

mCare's Hospital Pack feature automatically collates information from residents' 'Who I Am' profiles to ensure staff fully understand residents at every stage of their health and social care journey, which saves time and effort preparing documentation when someone is transported to an urgent care setting.  


The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports that individuals living with dementia are at higher risk of experiencing falls, even during the earliest stages of the condition. This can be due to dehydration caused by communication difficulties or forgetting to drink water. 

mCare's Fluid and Nutrition Monitoring feature can easily avoid dehydration in care homes. Care homes can monitor and manage residents' hydration levels, ensuring they receive the necessary hydration to promote their overall health and wellbeing.

mCare has a long list of other features that help with dementia care. Book a demo today to find out more

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Oomph! Wellbeing & Activities Platform  

Sometimes, it's assumed that people in the later stages of dementia are unable to engage in activities, but this isn't true. Exercise and physical activity can bring many benefits for people living with dementia. 

Our Oomph! Wellbeing & Activities Platform, which provides 24/7 access to specialist activity programs tailored to individual needs, preferences, and interests, has over a thousand activity ideas to choose from. With helpful filters, such as 'dementia friendly,' care homes can add value and quality to a person's life, whether they have a diagnosis of dementia or not.

Click here for more information on the Oomph! Wellbeing and Activities Platform.

Wellness and Activities Training

Oomph! Wellbeing & Activities Training

Health and social care professionals must have the skills and knowledge to support individuals living with dementia.

If you're interested in training and development opportunities for your staff or managers, our Oomph! Wellbeing & Activities Training for staff is the perfect solution for you and provides in-depth CPD-certified courses covering every aspect of wellbeing delivery.

We also offer a variety of workshops for care staff. For example, our 'Effective Communication in Dementia Care' workshop is designed to help care providers develop their understanding of the communication challenges that someone living with dementia may face. 



Taking medications as prescribed is crucial for individuals living with dementia, but they may require assistance in doing so. Certain medications must be taken at specific times of the day, with or after meals, or on an empty stomach.

ATLAS eMAR, our electronic medication administration record system, helps care organisations transform how residents and carers experience and deliver care, from tracking medication administration to managing stock and inventory medications in real-time.

Cornford House care home, which mainly accommodates physically frail older people and offers nursing care support to people living with dementia, is 'thrilled' with ATLAS eMAR's technology.

''Since implementing ATLAS eMAR, medication rounds have been much more efficient, and staff are not 'rushed' to complete them - this allows them to give more attention and support to residents, especially those living with dementia.''

Lorraine Cousins, Care Home Manager, Cornford House

B&M Care Homes share its experience on how mCare helps care staff deliver better dementia care

How does technology support reminiscence therapy for people living with dementia?

Digital discoveries: Reshaping the future of dementia care

Preventing and reducing the risk of falls in dementia

What is the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia?

What are the best activities for late-stage dementia?

The benefits of advance care planning for people with dementia 

How puzzles for people with dementia can boost quality of life 

How cooking therapy can help people living with dementia 

Who I Am: The latest technology driving quality of life in dementia care

Dementia awareness training


Download our free Dementia Friendly Activity Pack


Connected Care Platform

If you want to learn more about the other integrated solutions the Connected Care Platform offers and how they help improve dementia care, book a demo.