Clinical Best Practise

COVID-19 risk assessment tool

To support care providers through the Covid-19 pandemic 

Discover more

PCS Covid

What does the COVID-19 risk assessment tool do?

The COVID-19 risk assessment tool enables carers to prepare for the future by utilising agile technology that has been tried and tested throughout the pandemic.    

94% of Person Centred Software’s customers find the COVID-19 risk assessment features beneficial in helping to protect the elderly and vulnerable 

What are the benefits of the COVID-19 Risk Assessment tool?  

PCS Covid

COVID Action Icon

The ability to record symptoms from the Care App
PCS Reporting-1

COVID Reporting

Shows the organisation a summary of staff and residents and their coronavirus status
PCS Incidents

Additional Precautions Required

An icon appears on a resident's profile when a resident is flagged with an infectious disease, showing carers that extra precautions are required.   
PCS Messaging

Enterprise Help

Enabling organisations to communicate to users more efficiently, for instance, policies and COVID status 
PCS Staff

Staff COVID Audit

A form to record symptoms and show working status
PCS Relatives Gateaway

Relatives Gateway

To enable relatives to stay in contact with loved ones. Free Relatives Gateway platform allows secure sharing of messages, photos and video links between residents and their families. 
PCS Track and Trace

Track and Trace Report

When a resident's COVID symptoms have been recorded, carers can plan responses and protect residents by seeing which staff they have interacted with; they can also trace staff that have worked together too 
App Use PCS-1

Carer App

Care App saves each carer one hour per shift, which is critical at a time when staff absences and agency usage are on the increase 

Related Features

PCS Reporting-1
Fluid and Nutrition Monitoring
Cover your service user’s fluid and nutritional needs
PCS Alarm Alert
Care Alert Alarm

Be alerted to critical actions 

PCS Oral Care
Oral Care

Oral care tools for CQC compliance

PCS Incidents
Accidents and Incidents
Quickly flag accidents and incidents at the point of care
View all Features