How we’ve enhanced the features of mCare

Find out how we’ve enhanced the features of mCare to further improve your ability to drive quality of care recording to deliver better outcomes  

Person Centred Software believes in leveraging technology to empower providers to achieve truly person-centred care. We do this by offering a range of products that serve as a full suite of solutions for any and every challenge that care homes encounter in the pursuit of better outcomes for residents.  

The digital care planning system (mCare) in particular allows care homes to revolutionise the way in which they record and evidence care, but also the way in which they can harness integrated technology and data to create a greater volume of more accurate, high quality care notes. 

One of the key missions of Person Centred Software is to always strive for improvement and continuously grow our core strengths to go above and beyond the benchmark of care quality we have set with our innovative care solutions to strive for even greater person-centred care, and to help care homes achieve even greater outcomes. Below are the enhanced features of mCare that will help to make this happen.

Personalised choices 

Person Centred Software believes that evidence of care should be easy to record and reflect the care and support you provide. 

What separates our digital care planning system, mCare, from so many other systems is the Icon-Driven Interface. With one click of the button, the process of inputting a care note is started, so that the person giving care is able to quickly and easily add care notes on the go. Now, to improve the person-centred element of this process, we are introducing new choices by adding two lists: meals and activities. PCs Personalised Choices

With meals, care staff will be able to choose specifically what the resident had for their breakfast, lunch or dinner, which greatly improves the person-centred element of the recording of meals because it ensures far more detail and can be factored into the rest of the plan for dietary purposes. It can also inform the preferences of the resident in question and because meals are an important part of everyone’s day, we recognised the need for the ability to capture meal choices at the point of care, meaning that care records are enriched with person-centred evidence, and care homes can demonstrate records that reflect individual choices being offered to the people they support. 

For activities, which are a vital component of person-centred care as they enrich the lives of residents and provide greater quality of life, there will be a specific list that detail what game, activity or exercise was undertaken. This will allow care staff insights into trends about the preferences and likes and dislikes of the residents because they will be able to pinpoint exactly which activities were most engaged with. Also carers will now be able to take advantage of even greater integration by logging the activity through mCare and citing the specific Oomph activity via the Oomph! Wellbeing and Activities Platform. 


My Shift PCS Compliance manager

When using the care app, and when tapping on the tab at the top to open the ‘My Shift’ screen, care staff will now be able to filter the colour coded tasks to only see their own tasks. By doing this, care staff and nurse staff will have the opportunity to quickly and more efficiently identify their own relevant tasks and plan accordingly. 


Skin Integrity on Admission 

PCs Skin integrityWhen a care home resident is admitted to a home for the first time, re-admitted from hospital, if they have returned to the home after staying with relatives, or if they have experienced any other change in their care setting, this feature will automatically create a planned activity to check their skin integrity upon arrival into the care home, which will not only have a significant when it comes to the process of evidencing and compliance, but it will also reinforce the continuity within care notes and care planning to ensure that tasks such as skin integrity checks are never missed.  




Smart Care Recording 

Person Centred Software believes that embracing technology is one of the most important and impactful ways to bring about improvements to care provision. The Smart Care Recording feature will use text analytics to identify keywords within a care note that will help to process the text and assign it to the correct area of the system. Our icon driven evidencing of care has been proven to enhance levels of care and improve compliance of record-keeping. Accurate records are important, and knowing which processes to follow are just as vital. With Smart Care Recording, the system will guide users to the right place and prompt suggestions.  PCS Smart Recording

For example, if a care home resident has a fall and this was documented, the person producing the care note might input a manager’s note that mentions the fall, but this will not be included in the falls report section because the right falls icon was not chosen.  

However, to streamline and improve the system of recording care notes, the system will search for keywords within the note, such as ‘slipped’, ‘fall’, or ‘fell,’ and prompt the person recording the care note with a notification asking if this note should also be recorded as a fall. With the Smart Care Recording feature, care staff will have the choice and it will ensure greater efficiency in reporting and the avoidance of missed events. Falls prevention is a key area where having accurate records provides insights that enable care homes to learn from past incidents and safeguard against falls happening again based on the trends and data they have at their disposal.  


Behavioural Support ABC (Antecedence, behaviours, consequences) 

Person Centred Software believes in promoting positive interventions and enable the team to learn from events and use this to deliver better outcomes. 

In helping care homes to achieve higher standards of outcomes, to streamline and improve their care provision, Person Centred Software always strives to promote a learning culture within the industry, and the Behavioural Support ABC feature allows staff to capture information about a situation that doesn’t simply state what happened, but outlines what triggered the behaviour, what that behaviour was, and then what the outcome was. PCS Behaviour support 

A positive approach to supporting behaviours leads to a better outcome for people living and working in social care settings; by improving the detail of insights into behavioural triggers, the responses to those triggers and what was learned from the situation can help ensure that people stay calm and reduce stress, promoting the least restrictive intervention possible whilst always ensuring safe, compliant and person-centred working practices.  

So, for example, if a new care staff member assists a resident in getting dressed in the morning but does not know fully how to support them in doing this because they are not familiar with the resident’s routine, the variance in the routine might cause agitation for the resident and might cause them to get upset. This could even lead to physical aggression. 

Recording the incident with the Behavioural Support ABC, the new carer would understand what led up to the incident, which means they can learn from it for the future. This new feature allows care homes to use an even greater person-centred approach to care notes, planning and behavioural support. Not only will this feature help to support best practice, but like the other new features it will drive quality and compliance, support decisions, and will promote positive interventions.  

What are the benefits of choosing Person Centred Software’s Digital Care Planning System?


  • Icon-driven, real-time evidence of care: An efficient and person-centred way of creating care notes!
  • Gives each nurse, carer and home manager 1 hour back per day to provide better care
  • Instant access to information: no more waiting around!
  • Live monitoring of care with complete management oversight
  • Reduction in staff turnover by providing a digital system that makes their work less stressful
  • Improve compliance with the regulator as all the information they require is available within the system