Data Security

Data security considered for all roles in all locations 


Here at Person Centred Software, we take security very seriously and understand that organisations have various security requirements at all levels. You're in safe hands with Person Centred Software. 

Security settings are not a one-size-fits-all scenario for care providers; with multiple roles and requirements, we have considered all aspects to provide you with flexible yet secure systems. 

Click here to learn how to keep your care home safe.


Regional Manager

Regional managers often visit multiple locations and need access to the data in the system on the road. 

Each organisation has restrictions set up for each site. Regional managers can be authorised within these restrictions to access the system anywhere outside the site while still knowing the organisation’s data is safe! 


For organisations to keep system data secure person Centred Software offers a wide range of data security features, allowing organisations the flexibility to allow the right people the right access. 

Organisations can centrally configure the system to suit  their needs, such as setting a strong password policy and restricting the system from being accessed anywhere outside of the care home. 

If the owner/manager needs to work from home, they can also be authorised to access the system from anywhere outside  the site, whilst still knowing the organisation’s data is safe! 

Click here to learn more about the Data Security Protection Toolkit.



The carer comes into the home, picks up a device and starts their shift. They put the device down for a few minutes whilst helping someone, but all is well because the Care App automatically locks itself, so your records are safe. 

If a carer finishes work for the day and accidentally takes the device home – don’t worry! With location restrictions set up, service user records cannot be accessed outside of the home. 

Furthermore, our digital social care record system enables two-factor authentication, helping to protect resident privacy and data.

Ambulance Crew Ambulance Worker

When a resident requires the use of emergency services at a time of urgent medical need, their hospital pack containing: 

  • Vital information on how best to support them 
  • Baseline medical information  
  • Social information 

… Can all be securely sent to the ambulance crew using the system’s connection to the National Record Locator. 

Information is automatically collated from the home’s day-to-day records  on the system. The hospital pack enables the paramedics to access this information digitally via the Summary Care Record application (SCRa) before, during and en route to the hospital. 

All information is shared securely with healthcare professionals without fear of user error resulting in accidentally sending the information into the wrong hands. 



Close relatives can be given secure access to their loved ones’ care records via the Relatives Gateway from their own devices. 

Organisations can choose what information they want to share from both an organisational and  an individual relative basis. 

This means they are fully in control of their data, even when sharing it outside the organisation, meaning they can remain GDPR compliant. 

Person Centred Software is certified with Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus is a government-backed and industry-supported scheme that helps businesses protect themselves against the growing threat of cyber attacks and provides a clear statement of the basic controls organisations should have to protect them. 

Complying with the requirements of the Cyber Essentials Plus Scheme enables organisations to showcase their credentials as trustworthy and secure when it comes to cyber security. 

Click here to view our security credentials. 

Click here to learn more about information governance and security.


Security made simple

For more details about our Security features visit the Security made simple section on our Full Features page

View our security features