Clinical Best Practise

Mental Capacity Assessment tool 

Comentis's mental capacity assessments are integrated into Person Centred Software's Digital Care Planning System 


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PCS Mental Health Support

What does the Mental Capacity Assessment tool do?   

This online tool enables health professionals and care providers to consistently and objectively determine whether a patient or service user lacks mental capacity and provides assurance that the individual has the required level of understanding, retention and evaluative skills for the decision at hand. Assessments can be paused or repeated to allow for fluctuating capacity.

What are the benefits of the Mental Capacity Assessment tool? 

  • Immediate assessment of an individual’s mental capacity
  • Decision-specific assessments with the threshold of understanding pre-defined for the care provider/health professional
  • Easy to use, saves time, alleviates pressure and overcomes staff confidence issues
  • Fully compliant and accurate report on completion, with all necessary evidence to meet requirements of the Mental Capacity Act (2005)
  • Clear audit trail with reports automatically timed, dated and ID stamped

How does the integration between Comentis and Person Centred Software work?  

The integration allows you to exchange resident and worker data, mCare users can seamlessly navigate to specific residents and access their risk assessments, including the mental capacity assessment. If integration is enabled, users will find the option to conduct three Comentis assessments: 

  • Grab Rails 
  • Bed Rails 
  • Medications capacity assessment - Directly from this interface. Simply click on the desired assessment to effortlessly complete it within the Comentis platform
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