Joined Up Care

Leading the way in connecting health and social care

What is Joined Up Care?

Joined Up Care is the term used for connecting health and social care services. 

Through technology, information can flow easily between care homes and health services, such as GPs, hospitals and ambulance crews, giving a more joined-up approach to the care people receive. Joined up care is essential for data and information sharing.

Why is Joined Up Care important?


  • Improves the lives of everybody involved in health and social care  
  • Reduces pressure on both Health and Social Care Services (especially through the COVID-19 pandemic and the current climate)  
  • Saves time for care providers, previously, requesting access to medical records was a time-consuming process, but now, through GP Connect, records can be accessed in under 2 minutes
  • Improves communication between health and care teams 

Silver Trees
Connecting Health and Social care:
Discover the partnership and integration between Person Centred Software and Connecting Care, and how it’s benefitted Silver Trees Care Home.

Person Centred Software’s involvement in joining up health and social care

We are actively engaged with the NHS at national and regional levels. Our goal is to improve the quality and efficiency of the journey and experiences when transitioning between social  and health care settings. 

We launched GP Connect in February 2021, and our Digital Care System was one of the first dedicated systems used in care homes to launch an integration with NHS Digital’s GP Connect product.

By May 2022, over 300 care providers were connected with GP Connect through our Digital Care System and that number is constantly increasing!

We now have 1000+ connected homes that are using GP Connect through mCare! 

GP Connect consumes data directly from multiple GP systems, connecting care homes and GPs.

GP Connect Graphic

Our Joined Up Care initiatives

PCS GP Connect

GP Connect

PCS eRed bag


PCS Reporting-1

Personal Demographics Service (PDS)

PCS Oversight of information

National Record Locator (NRL)


Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)

PCS Secuirty

Information Governance and Security

Person Centred Software, Digital Transformation NHS England (London Region) and OneLondon won the 'Highly Commended' award at the 2024 HSJ Digital Awards

Connecting health and social care through digital .

Joined-up care: how it's changing to meet the needs of the UK

Working together to improve health and social care for all.

TECH TALK: Joined up care in the world of connectivity

why is interoperability taking so long to become the norm?