Social care funding for digital care records

Access funding 

The adult social care sector has previously been given funding to implement digital social care records (DSCRs). However, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has recently stated that it has not yet met its original target for rolling out these systems. As of February this year, only 63% of social care providers registered with the Care Quality Commission had implemented DSCRs - this is below the goal set in 2021 to reach 80% by March 2024. 

The deadline for achieving the 80% target has now been extended to March 2025, and an additional £25 million has been allocated for this financial year to support the implementation of DSCRs.

If you need funding to implement digital social care records, please get in touch with your local Integrated Care System (ICS).

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DSCR-funding: why care providers should choose a supplier that offers an interoperable Digital Social Care Record System
Learn more about why interoperability is key to transforming the social care sector and why care providers should choose a supplier that provides an interoperable Digital Social Care Record System.

The benefits of digital social care records

Securing social care funding for digital social care records and a comprehensive digital care planning system promises a number of benefits to adult social care providers and other healthcare workers, including:

Access to reliable, up-to-date information

With a digital social care record, care providers in the adult social care sector will be able to access accurate information instantly, allowing them to remain up to date on patients and provide the most suitable, targeted care, including access to information such as falls prevention technologies to keep individuals safe.

Share data with other providers

Care management software and digital technology help workers in adult social care settings. They also share accurate data with local authorities, domiciliary care providers, doctors, assured suppliers and other professionals. This allows timely access to important information about service users and enables more person-centred care.

Added security

While concerns have been raised over data security, digital solutions actually allow for greater protection compared to paper records. With the right data security protection toolkit, adult social care digital records can be backed up and stored securely, ensuring that they can be accessed by CQC-registered providers at any time.

Funding is the future

The Care Digital Transformation Fund looks set to transform the future of social care digital transformation, allowing CQC registered care providers to access innovative care technologies and management systems, and transform the efficiency and quality of social care across the region.

The care sector's most widely used digital care
management system