The CQC have revealed when their new single assessment framework format will be rolled out across the country
The CQC have announced that the initial commencement date of the new single assessment framework will be 21st November 2023.
Between then and 4th December 2023, the CQC will carry out a small number of planned assessments with providers designated as early adopters. While doing so, the CQC will continue to respond to risk.
The CQC will then expand the new assessment to all providers over the coming months based on a risk-informed schedule.
The first region in which the CQC will implement the new single assessment framework will be the South, which includes services registered in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Kent, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex and Wiltshire.
The CQC has also said that it will be in touch shortly with the providers they are inviting to be early adopters and will also be in touch with other providers in other parts of the country with information to confirm when it will start rolling out the new single assessment framework there.
What is the new single assessment framework?
The CQC’s new single assessment framework is designed to replace the KLOEs (key lines of enquiry) with quality statements and provide a single set of standards that all care providers can use for the evidencing of care.
Coming in the form of ‘I statements’ and ‘we statements’ and written from the perspective of residents and care homes respectively, the CQC’s new single assessment framework is designed with the intention of making things simpler, to better reflect how care is really being delivered by different types of services and in local areas, and to use one framework to connect registration activity to assessments of quality.
Though the key lines of enquiry will be phased out, it’s important to mention that the 5 key questions that the CQC use to evaluate care services (safe, well-led, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs) will remain in place as the benchmark against which services are assessed.
Click here to learn more about the CQC single assessment framework

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