Designed with the regulator's standards in mind
Ensuring compliance and delivering outstanding, person-centred care is fundamental to your care organisation's mission, and your regulator's rating reflects this commitment.
Achieving positive ratings can significantly affect how potential clients and current and future care professionals perceive your organisation. A 'good' or 'outstanding' rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), or an 'excellent' or 'very good' rating from other regulators like the Care Inspectorate, can significantly enhance your reputation, making it more likely for clients to choose your services over competitors.
It can also help attract and retain talented care staff motivated to work for a care organisation that values quality care and is recognised for it.
Most importantly, these ratings serve as a clear indication of your care home's commitment to the health and wellbeing of residents. They demonstrate that you prioritise their care and strive to create a safe and nurturing environment, reinforcing the trust that clients and their families place in your services.
Investing time and resources into not only meeting but exceeding the requirements of regulators can lead to significant benefits for your organisation and the individuals you serve.
CQC Compliance Consultant shares her insights on the importance of using a digital social care record system like mCare
In this blog post, Georgina Turner, an experienced CQC Compliance Consultant specialising in adult social care services and founder and owner of Inspired for Health, a service dedicated to providing comprehensive governance and audit support to care providers, shares her insights on the importance of using a digital social care record system like mCare, that enhances compliance and promotes effective and responsive person-centred care.
"While conducting extensive mock inspections and care plan audits in a variety of provider services across the UK, I had the opportunity to closely utilise and observe several digital social care record systems listed on the Assured Solutions List.
Whilst the systems met the standards set by the DSCR Standards and offered features and functionalities that addressed the needs of care providers and residents for managing care records, one noteworthy and easy-to-use system was mCare, developed by Person Centred Software."
Enhancing compliance and promoting person-centred care in your care organisation
Georgina continues, ''mCare, which is currently utilised by more than 6,000 care homes across the UK, streamlines the management of care records, enhancing efficiency and ensuring better service for residents.''
''Impressively, 95% of these care homes using mCare have received ratings of 'Good' or 'Outstanding' from regulatory authorities, highlighting the positive impact of the software on the quality of care provided.''
''Implementing mCare has many advantages. This robust and user-friendly system is specifically designed to be person-centred, prioritising the needs and preferences of residents and helping carers prioritise person-centred care, which is a recognised requirement by all the UK's national regulators.''
''For example, mCare has a number of features which help care providers deliver a more person-centred approach:
- Its 'Person-centred Care Plans' feature helps care teams make person-centred care planning easier to implement and maintain, helping care staff to be fully aware of each resident's care needs.
- The 'Person-centred Interactions' feature helps care staff truly personalise care, with all interactions revolving around the person being cared for. The system includes features such as 'Who I Am' and 'Plan Care Day', which allow care workers to tailor their approach and provide personalised care based on the individual's preferences and needs.
- With mCare's 'Goal Tracking and Outcomes' feature, care providers can support residents with their goals and track their progress towards meeting them. Having this capability allows a person-centred approach to caring and fulfilling goals. For example, when an older adult is discharged from the hospital and enters a care home for the first time, the goal might be to ensure their initial day in the care home is peaceful and comfortable.''
Evidence care as it happens in real-time
''One of the core benefits of mCare is that it streamlines administrative tasks, which allows carers to allocate more time to interact with residents in meaningful activities.
By enabling more social and community engagements, mCare enhances the residents' sense of dignity and purpose, ultimately ensuring they feel valued and respected.''
''The innovative features of mCare support adherence to Regulation 9 (Person Centred Care) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, as well as helping the teams prepare and evidence compliance with some of the key 'We Statements' from the CQC Single Assessment Framework. This system is also equipped with comprehensive tools that provide care homes with all the information required for CQC inspections, accessible with just a few clicks.''
''Furthermore, mCare helps carers to evidence care as it happens in real-time, ensuring the quality of information is accurate and up to date. Such real-time documentation is crucial for maintaining high standards of care and facilitating effective communication among care teams.
Additionally, mCare is especially valuable for new or agency staff who may not yet be familiar with the residents they are assigned to care for. Each resident's record offers comprehensive insights into their medical history, preferences, and care plans.
This wealth of information allows new carers to quickly get up to speed, providing them with the necessary knowledge to deliver person-centred care from the start.''
''By utilising mCare, care providers can demonstrate to regulators that they are meeting their contractual obligations and effectively delivering the care they've promised.
The system significantly simplifies the audit process, making it more manageable for care providers and CQC inspectors. This means that inspections can be conducted more efficiently, less disrupting care staff and residents.''
mCare significantly helped us to receive an 'outstanding' rating!
"Receiving an 'outstanding' CQC rating is a remarkable achievement, and the entire team at Ashfields is incredibly proud. mCare significantly helped us to receive this rating! It makes audits much easier and helps with compliance, giving us all the information we need to demonstrate to CQC that we are meeting our contractual obligations and delivering the care we have promised.
Additionally, the system gives our care teams much more time to spend with our residents doing what they enjoy, which helps combat loneliness and social isolation and improves mental wellbeing.
Our care teams can now build better relationships with residents to understand their preferences, likes, and dislikes, have more time to understand individual care plans better, and provide the best care environment, which helps to improve the delivery of person-centred care".
Josie Greveson, registered manager at Ashfields Care Home
Read the full story here.
''Overall, mCare represents a comprehensive solution that enhances person-centred care, operational efficiency, care quality, and regulatory compliance within the care sector.
It also helps improve ratings and compliance with the regulator and ensures your organisation is inspection-ready''.
Georgina Turner, an experienced CQC Compliance Consultant
Unlock the benefits of mCare now and discover why so many care providers are switching!
Providing responsive, high-quality care planning
Book a demo with Person Centred Software to learn more about mCare's features and how it can help your organisation provide responsive, high-quality care planning.
If you want to learn more about the new Single Assessment Framework and how to effectively prepare for your next CQC inspection, you can always contact Inspired for Health.
Their friendly, qualified & experienced team provide Mock Inspections, face-to-face CQC Compliance Training, Webinars, Auditing and Good Governance/Well Led Support, Audit tools, CQC Single Assessment Framework Evidence Mapping and Support, as well as bespoke one to one Registered Managers/Nominated Individual mentoring.
Remember that your rating can remain unchanged for an extended period before the next inspection, which can last several months or even years (if your home is rated 'good' or 'outstanding'). Therefore, preparing thoroughly for these inspections is crucial, as it allows you to demonstrate the high standards of care your organisation upholds.
It can also help your team gain the confidence and positivity needed when meeting the CQC onsite to demonstrate their excellent care and attention to person-centred detail.

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Let residents experience person-centred care from day one with mCare
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