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Aug 22, 2024

How ResHub helps care homes to achieve greater regulatory compliance

Achieve outstanding results with ResHub

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More and more, regulatory bodies such as the CQC in England, the Care Inspectorate in Scotland, the Care Inspectorate Wales and the Quality Improvement Authority in Northern Ireland are recognising the importance of feedback when it comes to care homes regulatory compliance. 

This is because prioritising high-quality feedback in care home settings, such as the feedback given by family members to care settings or by residents themselves, means that there is a framework that allows for continued improvement to care and wellbeing, as well as to tailor care to suit the needs of the individual. 

Feedback is also prioritised by regulatory bodies because it means they have access to information that helps them identify where and how services can and are improving. 

This is what makes ResHub such a powerful digital solution. ResHub, a product designed to elevate resident experience and part of Person Centred Software’s Connected Care Platform, can enhance the everyday life of those living in care homes and bring them closer together with their families. 

Other benefits of ResHub include: 

  • Increased operational excellence 
  • Free staff from inefficient workflows to spend more meaningful time with residents 
  • Increased overall family satisfaction 
  • Increased overall resident experience 
  • Automated communication across the entire care group 

Family - ResHub

Why ResHub is so important for care home regulatory compliance around feedback 

Evidence categories 

Of the six main evidence categories that the CQC uses to inspect care homes, ResHub is most important for the category: ‘People’s experience of health and care services.’ 

The CQC define people’s experience as: “a person’s needs, expectations, lived experience and satisfaction with their care, support and treatment. This includes access to and transfers between services”. 

Evidence of this is gathered in ways such as: phone calls, emails, interviews with local organisations among others, but where ResHub really makes the difference is through survey results.  

One of the key benefits of ResHub is the ability it gives care settings to collect feedback. For example, ResHub’s Survey Management feature ensures that care providers can gather peoples’ experiences of care through its survey software, and it provides feedback through in-app services. These survey results can then be used in evidencing the category with the CQC.   


Survey Management 

One of the key components of ensuring high quality resident experience is providing choice based on their individuality, where the goal is to understand each resident and tailor their care to best suit theirs and their families' preferences. 

Using the Survey Management feature means that on top of the quantitative data that can be measured from the other points within the platform on components such as activity engagement, most popular activities, services booked and more, care homes can also attain qualitative data to gain a greater understanding of how residents are feeling, and ensuring they always have a voice. 

Within this feature, care homes can create bespoke satisfaction surveys for residents or for family members to fill out and create a constant feedback loop. The results can be viewed in real-time which means that any actions based on feedback will be based on the most up-to-date information possible.  

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How does ResHub help to answer the CQC’s five questions? 

As well as helping care homes to remain compliant with regulations around feedback (Listening to and Involving People), the platform also helps to ensure compliance with the CQC’s 5 Standards. For example: 


ResHub enables sharing information with the families and with the residents themselves 

ResHub improves the ability for those living in care to access their care and request assistance 



ResHub enables care providers to respond to requests promptly through surveys and feedback 



Safe environments and equipment maintenance are ensured through ResHub’s maintenance request function. 


The Care Inspectorate (Scotland) 

For the CI, ResHub also ensures compliance with:  

  • Be included 
  • Responsive care 
  • Support and wellbeing 


The Care Inspectorate Wales 

For the CIW, ResHub ensures compliance for all the principles: 

  • Putting people first 
  • Being intelligence-led 
  • Reflecting and learning 
  • Being risk-based and responsive 
  • Working collaboratively


The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (Northern Ireland) 

For the RQIA, ResHub ensures compliance with: 

  • Safe and effective care 
  • Accessible, flexible and responsive services 
  • Promoting, protecting and improving health and social wellbeing 
  • Effective communication and information 


Achieve outstanding results with ResHub 

ResHub is an innovative, easy-to-use, fully integrated platform that can transform resident experience for your care home community and help bring those your care for and their families even closer together. To find out more about how, just click here to book a consultation.  

Click here to join our community and get all the latest news, insights and advice on wellbeing, resident experience and the best activities to try in your care setting. 


August 22, 2024

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