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Mar 26, 2025

New recruitment rules for care providers

Ensuring you have the optimal skills mix for delivering exceptional care


Starting on 9 April this year, care providers wishing to recruit a new worker from overseas must first demonstrate that they have tried to recruit an international care worker from within England who requires new sponsorship. This measure aims to ensure that individuals who come to the UK to build a career in adult social care have the opportunity to do so.

It will also help reduce the reliance on overseas recruitment as the government work to improve the UK's immigration system through its long-term plan 'Plan for Change'.

The government introduced the new rules in Parliament on 12 March.

Stephen Kinnock, Minister of State for Care, said:

"International care workers play a vital role in our social care workforce. We value their contribution and work supporting vulnerable people across the country every day.


As we crack down on shameful rogue operators exploiting overseas workers here in the UK, we must do all we can to get the victims back into rewarding careers in adult social care.

Prioritising care workers who are already in the UK will get people back to work, reducing our reliance on international recruitment, and make sure our social care sector has the care professionals it needs."

Seema Malhotra, Minister for Migration and Citizenship, said: 

"Those who have come to the UK to support our adult care sector should have the opportunity to do so, free from abuse and exploitation.


We have already taken action to ensure employers are not able to flout the rules with little consequence or exploit international workers for costs they were always supposed to pay.

We are now going further, requiring employers in England to prioritise recruiting international care workers who are already here and seeking new sponsorship before recruiting from overseas."

How to get recruitment right in care homes


Recruiting the right care staff for your care home is essential for the successful operation of any care service, whether large or small. The recruitment process is complex and requires careful planning and consideration.

Regulators want to see care providers have enough suitably qualified staff with the right values and skills to deliver high-quality, person-centred care and support.

For example, the Care Quality Commission wants to see providers deploy enough suitably qualified, competent and experienced staff to enable them to meet regulatory requirements described in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. 


The CQC establishes its official guidelines regarding staff ratios in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 18.  


Regulators also want providers to have a systematic approach to determine the number of staff and range of skills required in order to meet the needs of people using the service and keep them safe at all times. 


We have something that will help you demonstrate compliance and ensure staffing matches resident needs!


Our dependency tool empowers your care home to maximise staffing. Our innovative tool helps care home managers make data-led decisions on staff allocation based on their skill mix, staffing levels and resident needs. 

Care home managers can comprehensively understand their current staffing needs by entering staff shift information and the number of available beds and assessing resident dependency based on various factors.

This approach will help managers provide a higher standard of person-centred care by using clear and interpretable metrics, including the necessary skilled hours, day and night staffing ratios, occupancy levels, and more! 


In summary, this tool empowers managers to make informed decisions, resulting in increased retention rates and support for residents.

The tool also empowers care homes to manage their staffing resources, ensuring that they can meet the specific needs of each resident more efficiently, and helps care homes produce more accurate fee forecasts that reflect the requirements of their residents. This helps with budgeting and reduces unnecessary costs associated with agency workers.

To guarantee your staffing aligns with your residents' needs and ensure you have the optimal skills mix for delivering exceptional care, reach out to our team and schedule a consultation today!

Guarantee your staffing aligns with your residents' needs and ensure you have the optimal skills mix for delivering exceptional care with our Staff Dependency Tool!

Built for carers | Loved by carers

March 26, 2025

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