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Sep 21, 2023

The benefits of care providers using two factor authentication (2FA) for digital social care record systems

Protecting resident privacy and data 

Technology is transforming health and social care, and with the national policy shifting towards digital systems and wider information sharing, care providers need to be aware of how to safeguard and securely share the data they hold.  

Software like digital social care record systems can improve resident care and make treatments more effective, along with many other benefits; but as the health and social care sector shifts towards digital systems and relies more on technology, the risk of cyber-attacks on these systems increases.  


Chris Egan, the Chief Technical and Data Protection Officer at Person Centred Software, shares insights on two factor authentication. 

What is two factor authentication (2FA)?   

Two factor authentication (2FA) strengthens account security and is a process in which users are prompted during sign-in to provide two methods of identification. 2FA is designed to add an extra layer of protection to your systems and networks through verification factors.  

Why must care providers enable two factor authentication on digital social care record systems?  

Using only a password to authenticate a user leaves care providers vulnerable to cyber-attacks. If the password is weak or has been compromised elsewhere, someone may be using it to gain unauthorised access. Requiring a second form of authentication increases security because this additional factor is not easy for an attacker to obtain or duplicate.  

Furthermore, two factor authentication combined with approved IP addresses means care providers can control who can access the data and where it can be accessed from. 

Does Person Centred Software’s digital social care record system enable two factor authentication? 

At Person Centred Software, we prioritise data security and strive to maintain a high standard of protection for our customers' personal records and sensitive information stored on our digital social care record system. Our platform is robust and reliable to ensure your information remains secure. Furthermore, our digital social care record system enables two factor authentication, and when first implemented, the two-step account login process will be turned on as standard.  

NHS DSP-T certified 

Person Centred Software are also NHS DSP-T certified, which verifies we use the Data Security and Protection Toolkit provided by the NHS to ensure we are handling personal patient information correctly and demonstrating good data security measures are in place. Furthermore, all our staff undergo yearly NHS Digital Data Security Awareness training to ensure that everyone in the organisation understands the importance of Data Security, that confidential data is stored and handled appropriately and that everyone understands their obligations to ensure sensitive information is safe and to avoid data breaches.   

Person Centred Software are also Cyber Essentials Plus certified to guarantee we have the necessary cybersecurity measures in place. Cyber Essentials Plus is the highest level of certification offered under the Cyber Essentials scheme

The benefits of enabling two factor authentication 

Enabling 2FA in your organisation will:  

  • Adds extra layers of security to your accounts 
  • Gives you total control over who has access to your files 
  • Meets regulatory compliance 
  • Secures remote working  
  • Helps mitigate password risks 

Click here to learn more about Person Centred Software's interoperable Digital Social Care Record System and its features.    


September 21, 2023

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