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Oct 07, 2024

Care provider? Looking for ways to help residents stay in touch with loved ones and overcome the winter blues?

Embracing technology to keep families connected 


As the winter season descends upon us, we are faced with uncertainties regarding the weather conditions. Will it bring heavy snowfall, icy roads, or powerful gale-force winds that could isolate care home residents from seeing their loved ones? 

Furthermore, the winter season also magnifies the presence of viruses and germs, posing additional barriers for care home residents to connect with their families.

This heightened risk of infection creates challenges for older adults, who are particularly susceptible to illnesses such as COVID-19, influenza, and norovirus, commonly referred to as the winter vomiting bug. When a family member is dealing with the flu or weather conditions make travel risky, visiting loved ones in a care home becomes a challenge.

Revolutionising the way residents stay connected with loved ones

In light of these challenges, one effective solution is leveraging technology, such as ResHub, our research-driven resident experience platform, to enable virtual visits, video calls, and other digital means of communication.

By embracing technology like this, care providers can ensure that residents' families remain connected and involved in their loved ones' lives, even during the winter months.



ResHub - Product Recording


Through ResHub, carers can effortlessly share cherished moments, photos, videos, and messages with family members.

This seamless connection allows residents' family members to intimately experience their loved ones' daily journeys within a care home, fostering a stronger sense of involvement and connection. 

Residents can also stay connected with their family members through our user-friendly platform.

This innovative platform allows family members and staff to conveniently schedule video calls, enabling residents to maintain their connections with ease and flexibility. 

And that's not all! ResHub also offers a host of other benefits for care providers; click here to learn more.



Have you heard of Social Care's Keeping in Touch Week?

Bringing care home residents together with their families to celebrate the season of togetherness is incredibly important, especially in light of the chronic loneliness epidemic among older people.


That's why we've taken the initiative to introduce Social Care's first Keeping in Touch Week, #SCKeepingInTouch. 

Click here to find out more and get involved! 


Improve wellness and beat the winter blues

During the winter months, the NHS estimates that around two million people in the UK experience the winter blues, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The symptoms of SAD are similar to those of depression, but they occur repetitively at a particular time of year. These symptoms usually start in the autumn or winter and tend to improve in the spring.

According to the NHS, the nature and severity of SAD varies from person to person. For some, it may be mild; for others, it can be severe and significantly impact their daily lives.

Symptoms of SAD can include:

  • A persistent low mood
  • A loss of pleasure or interest in usual everyday activities
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness
  • Feeling lethargic and sleepy during the day
  • Sleeping for longer than usual and finding it hard to get up in the morning
  • Craving carbohydrates and gaining weight

With this in mind, it's paramount for care providers to actively support and facilitate the involvement of older adults in a variety of engaging indoor activities during the winter months. By doing so, care providers can effectively address the impacts of SAD, beat the effects of the winter blues, and enhance the overall winter experience for older adults by promoting physical activity and fostering social interaction.

There are numerous ways to enjoy indoor activities during the winter, especially with our Wellness and Activities platform!

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Our Wellness and Activities platform provides an array of engaging activities for residents to enjoy and stay active during the winter months, all from the comfort of their warm and cosy care home. We offer mentally stimulating games as well as opportunities for physical activities, ensuring that there's something for everyone.

From the delightful craft of making snow globes to creating winter-themed sensory bottles, residents can look forward to a season filled with enjoyable and enriching activities.

Click here to discover more!

Keeping families connected with ResHub

Built for carers | Loved by carers


October 7, 2024

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