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Jul 17, 2017

Adept Care Homes go live with Mobile Care Monitoring

We are delighted to announce that the first Adept Care Homes site, Kiwi House, has gone live with Mobile Care Monitoring, a Person Centred Software (PCS) product, with the intention to roll out to all their care homes.

Dave Lock, Adept Care Homes Managing Director explains the care home group’s decision to invest in technology to improve the quality of care for residents:

“Improving the quality of life for our care team is as important to us as the care we provide our residents. This system means that our team can spend more time with residents, caring and interacting, rather than administrating,”

“Another key benefit to the technology is the Relative Gateway which provides real time access to information. We know that having a loved one living in a residential setting can be difficult for family members and this system enables us to keep everyone informed about the care residents receive.”

“Whilst relatively new, the PCS system already has an excellent reputation with extremely positive feedback from both care teams and resident relatives. In fact, many care industry professionals believe that this is the future of care provision so it’s very exciting to introduce this innovating technology at Kiwi House. This is a significant investment and our intention is to roll out the use of PCS across all our care homes,” concluded Mr Lock.

July 17, 2017

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