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Oct 02, 2024

Thinking of changing care software provider? Here is what you need to consider

Things you need to do for a hassle-free switch

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Are you thinking about switching care software provider? In this article, we’ll be discussing what you need to consider before switching, signs that it’s time to consider switching and how to go about switching in a hassle-free way! 

The integration of digital technology is playing an increasingly important role in shaping what the future of social care looks like. As each year passes, more and more care operators are seeing the value in investing in digital solutions because they see how superior they are to paper systems. More still, as digital solutions improve, they see the ease with which digital solutions, like those offered by Person Centred Software’s Connected Care Platform, can be implemented. 

But with this technological revolution, a wide variety of suppliers to choose from have emerged in the marketplace, so it can be difficult to know which one to choose, or whether your current provider is really the best fit for you. You need to ask yourself; they may have been a good fit when you decided to switch from paper, but are they still a good fit now? 

So, with regulatory compliance deeming it a near-necessity to implement digital solutions in order to remain at the forefront of care provision, alongside the government’s digital deadline, not to mention the rising standards of care that residents and their families have come to expect and deserve, now more than ever the question is less should you switch to a care software provider, and rather which one should you opt for? 


Signs it’s time to make the switch 

As a care professional, whether you're the owner of a care home, a care home manager, or a carer, you already have a lot to think about. The last thing you want is to be unsure if you have the right care software for your home. You don’t want to have that nagging question in the back of your mind, always asking, “are we actually with the right supplier for us?” and always wondering if as a care provider you could be more efficient, have a system that works better for your specific needs, and therefore provide a better quality of care. As a decision-maker in care, you already know that you simply don’t have the mental capacity to accommodate this kind of indecision, so you need to know for sure that you have made the best decision.  

What makes any truly great digital solution in a care home setting is its reliability, user-friendliness, intuitive user interface, comprehensive features and functionality, and seamless support tailored to simplify day-to-day operations. In other words, you want to be sure that your digital solutions streamline and improve your care provision and can be tailored in a way that suits your needs today and also your needs as your organisation grows and evolves, and if they aren't doing that, then you're not much better off than you were with paper. Likewise, you want to be confident that you have the absolute right system for you, one that can empower you to provide the best care you possibly can. As care standards improve, a system that does an adequate job, but little more than that, is simply not acceptable.  

So, if you think you might be in this situation, here are a few signs that it might be time to switch your care software provider. If you find these scenarios familiar, then you know what you need to do next... 


Poor implementation and lack of support 

Have you been given a system and been left to use it without a proper period of training or on-boarding? To get the best out of the system, care providers must receive adequate training before implementing any new system. No matter how intuitive or easy-to-use a system is, there will always be a certain level of support needed to ensure that care homes are utilising the system correctly and to its highest potential. This is especially true if you’re implementing across a network of homes – you don’t want one care home using it one way and another using it another way.  

Likewise, if you encounter challenges when attempting to reach out to the support or technical team or you have to wait longer than is reasonable for a response to your issues, or that response is inadequate when it does come, it may be an indication that your current software provider is not prioritising your needs. If either or both scenarios are the case for your care home, then it might be a good time to start exploring alternative software providers who prioritise providing reliable support and make customer concerns a central concern, rather than just being interested in selling a product and then shifting their focus to the next potential customer. Just as in any sector, you can tell a lot from a business by how it treats its existing users. 


Lack of scalability 

Just like any other product for an industry that is constantly changing and evolving, a care software provider needs to be able to grow with you. A lack of scalability can prevent your care organisation from expanding operations in response to market demands or changing circumstances, such as regulatory changes. This can pose a significant hinderance and risk to your long-term success and growth. If this is what you’re experiencing with your provider, then you’ll know that what at first seemed like a system that would provide solutions to your issues quickly becomes a system that is just creating a whole new set of issues by holding you back from achieving your potential and goals. So, what is the answer? Care providers should seek a software provider that offers cloud-based software that offers a multitude of solutions, providing flexible storage solutions that can adjust to your changing needs. This means you can grow and expand your operations without being held back by your provider. 


Clunky and lacking in interoperability 

Is your care software clunky and cumbersome? Does it hinder efficiency and frustrate your care workers instead of providing smooth operations? Whether it’s an outdated interface, underdeveloped operating settings, slow response times or simply being too big to carry around to evidence on the go, having a system like this means that all you’ve done is replace one underperforming, inefficient system (paper systems) with another, and the same problems still exist. As well as this, one of the big benefits of having digital solutions is being able to share information between health and social care services or between different features of a connected suite of products in an interoperable way. If you’re system is clunky and not interoperable, then it’s time to make the switch to something better. 


Not giving carers more time to care 

Care software should effectively reduce the time spent by care workers on unnecessary administrative tasks. In so doing, this enables them to dedicate more quality time to engaging with and attending to the needs of the people they care for, ultimately enhancing overall wellbeing. If carers find themselves overwhelmed by administrative duties because the system you’re using does not provide an intuitive user experience, for example if you have to input the same data in multiple different areas, and therefore they are unable to provide the necessary attention to residents, then this means that the care they are providing is not as person-centred as it could be. In this instance, it is time you considered switching to a provider that puts person-centred care at the heart of their philosophy as a company.  


What you need to consider before switching 

Care providers must consider several important factors when considering whether they should switch care software providers in order to better support day-to-day operations and care-related tasks. For example: 

  • Allocating sufficient time for thorough research is essential to ensure that you’re getting the best care provider for your particular needs. So, begin by exploring the offerings of each care software supplier on the market, making sure that they are on the Assured Supplier list for added quality assurance. (The Assured Supplier List, which includes Person Centred Software, is a list of software suppliers who have passed rigorous selection criteria to ensure they can deliver against national specifications, that their solution meets core capabilities, and that their financial position is stable. If you purchase a system from this list, you can be confident that it has been assured at the highest level.) 
  • Seek insights from other care providers who have switched from paper to digital or from one provider to another and consider their experiences of what happened, why it happened and what to expect. Also, it’s worth looking on the company’s websites at case studies and reviews so that you can gain a comprehensive view of their offering and their standing in the industry – this will help you to take an informed decision.  
  • Schedule a consultation or product demonstration with each care software supplier to understand the system and assess the expertise and efficiency of the supplier’s staff. This is also a good time to ask questions about the system to see if it’s a good fit for your care home now and in the future. For example, how interoperable is the system, what are the cost implications and what does the data migration process look like? This is your opportunity to thoroughly explore the software’s real-world functionality and features to ensure that they align with your organisation's requirements and expectations. 
  • Assess the time and resources that will be required for training and implementation. This means understanding the time needed to adequately train all staff members, helping to ensure they are fully prepared for the implementation process and beyond. 
  • Gather as much feedback as you can from care workers. As a manager, it is crucial to involve the frontline care workers in the decision-making process as they will be the ones using the system. By gathering their input and addressing concerns, you can improve the chances of a more successful transition. 


So, you’ve decided to switch care software providers, what next? 

The importance of partnering with a long-term supplier 

Though you might be looking for a care software provider for one product right now, for example, you might be looking for an electronic medication management system or a digital social care record system, it’s nonetheless very important to look for providers that are dedicated to establishing a long-term partnership with your organisation. Looking beyond what you need now and considering what you will need in the future will help you to decide which supplier is the best long-term fit for you. You might be looking for a digital social care record system today, but in the future, you might want to expand into medication management, staffing solutions, activities or nursecall messaging – you need to make sure that your supplier of choice can give you the space and tools to grow.  

Take your time to make a well-informed decision, because the supplier you choose can significantly impact the quality of care your organisation delivers. If your care supplier is in it for the long haul, they will want to know your care organisation inside out. It is crucial that they thoroughly understand every aspect of your care organisation, because this in-depth understanding will enable them to meet your organisation’s unique needs effectively and provide individually tailored, comprehensive support. 

Also, choosing a supplier that can offer long-term support allows for the exchange of feedback and ideas over time, helping the supplier tailor the software to meet your care organisation's specific needs.   

Additionally, establishing a strong relationship with your supplier is crucial for any organisation aiming to achieve long-term success. Having a single provider guide you through every step of your digital journey can make the process much smoother and stress-free. 


Make life easier by choosing a supplier that offers an all-in-one solution 

Care providers need to be aware that switching to an all-in-one system that combines all the different elements of care provision can provide significant benefits and can mean that you are saving even more time and making even more time to provide person-centred care. 

If you have an all-in-one system, then you don’t have to worry about staying on top of multiple different platforms that don’t connect to each other and force you to double up on taking information and recording care. Not only this, but you could find multiple different platforms means multiple devices to look after, multiple sign-ins to remember, even multiple payment schedules to manage – it's a lot of needless hassle that you can avoid by going with a provider that offers an all-in-one solution. 

For example, Person Centred Software’s Connected Care Platform covers the full spectrum of care through integrated solutions that help drive outstanding outcomes and improve the lives of those living and working in care. The Connected Care Platform provides an all-in-one solution for your digital journey for today and as you evolve. 

The platform, which includes solution areas such as Care Management, Medication Management, Resident Experience, Learning & Development and Care Operations, allows care providers to use single or multiple solutions that connect using one device. Each solution is designed to address a particular part of care and, when used together, provides a complete solution to help drive outstanding care, enhance resident outcomes, the lives of care workers, the delivery of person-centred care and the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of care settings. Having one system that does everything reduces cost and speeds up working processes. Our products won’t just make your life easier, but they’ll make the lives of your residents better.  


Why you should switch to Person Centred Software

  • Reliable and assured by the NHS 
  • Personal records and sensitive information are kept secure and protected 
  • Our cutting-edge solutions are built around the philosophy of person-centred care 
  • Improves compliance with regulators 
  • Improves ratings and makes you a more attractive prospect for potential customers 
  • Our icon-driven interface is intuitive and easy to use, meaning anyone can get the most out of it  
  • Proven to improve dementia care 
  • Customer support that is second to none 
  • The largest network of integrated best-in-class partners 
  • We offer data migration services, meaning you can be sure that when you switch, your data is handled safely, reliably and professionally 


Making the switch to Person Centred Software: Getting started 

Switching to Person Centred Software is a very easy transition! Whether you are currently using paper-based systems or with another provider, we’ve got you covered every step of the way and will help you to ensure a smooth transition. 

To find out more, just click here to book a consultation and speak with one of our friendly experts about how to get started. 

During the consultation, our team will gather all the necessary information and discuss your care organisation's needs and preferences. From there, we'll take care of everything and guide you through the process every step of the way.   


October 2, 2024

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