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We’ve decided to bring the Olympics to your care home with this engaging and entertaining activity book!
The Wellness & Activities Platform is home to over 3,000 activities that cover everything from singalongs to arts and crafts to exercise and anything in between. Having been created especially for use in care settings by experts in areas such as nutrition, dementia care, wellbeing and exercise, our Wellness & Activities Platform always aims to have something for everyone to enjoy.
Another aim of the platform is to always make sure there is new and exciting content to be enjoyed all year round. If you’re an activity coordinator in a care home, or if you’re responsible for activities and wellbeing in general, then you’ll know it always helps to have fresh and engaging activities for your residents to participate in.
So, if some of the people for whom you care are interested in sports or have watched the Olympics over the years, or even if they haven’t and you think they might like to learn about something new, this Olympics-themed activity book, available through the Wellness & Activities Platform, is sure to be a big hit.
Let’s take a sneak peek of what’s inside...
The Olympic Games - did you know...?
International Olympic Committee
- The International Olympic Committee was created by Pierre de Coubertin on 23rd June 1894, with Demetrios Vikelas serving as its first president. As of 2019, its membership consists of 95 active members, 44 honorary members, an honorary president (Jacques Rogge) and two honour members (Henry Kissinger and Youssoupha Ndiaye).
The history of the Olympics
- The Olympic Games, which originated in ancient Greece as many as 3,000 years ago, were revived in the late 19th century, and have become one of the world’s favourite sporting competitions.
- The Games were named for their original location at Olympia. Their influence was so great that ancient historians began to measure time by the four-year increments between Olympic Games, which were known as Olympiads. (The Paris 2024 Games are officially known as the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad).
Above: Artistic depiction of the ancient Olympic Games
Above: Ruins of the ancient Greek city of Olympia
The Opening Ceremony
- During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, tradition dictates that the procession of athletes is always led by the Greek team, followed by all the other teams in alphabetical order (based on the language of the hosting country) except for the last team which is always the team of the host nation.

This is just a small taster of the Olympics-themed activity book available on the Wellness & Activities Platform, which also includes many more interesting facts about the Olympics, as well as a quiz where players can test their knowledge of the Olympics, colouring pages and a wordsearch.
To gain access to this amazing activity book and many hundreds of others like it, and to see what else the platform can offer for your residents and staff, why not book a consultation and speak to one of our experts.