Presentation to ICG
In September, we were invited to speak to Independent Care Group (ICG)’s members after receiving several recommendations from customers of Mobile Care Monitoring, including recommendations from ICG board members.
A Manager's View
We were delighted to share the presentation with Alison Redhead, manager of Minster Grange. Alison spoke for 45 minutes about how MCM has vastly improved her working life, that of her colleagues, which has given them more time to care for residents living at the care home.
What Alison says about Mobile Care Monitoring:
‘It's a breeze getting the information for CQC without having to speak to 3 or 4 people.’
'The information is always there, to get to all the handover information we just need to swipe right.'
'Under an individual I can see who they are, their history all readily available and consistent.'
'To be able to see this quality of data is amazing. It’s really important to me to be sure of the quality of service my residents are getting because I’m accountable.’
'It is thrilling to see pressure sores healing in pictorial form in the body map.'
'As a manager being able to read the handover from home means I don’t come in to a shift to any surprises.'
‘We have had CQC, CHC and Sheffield University visit to see the system and who really love it.’
'When other Health Care Professionals can see how good our evidence of care is, it makes a big difference and a much more pleasant experience.'
'Through the Relatives Gateway families can see their loved ones' joy.'
'Using Mobile Care Monitoring I know nothing has been lost.'
'I know that checks were done when they are recorded as evidencing is done in the room with QR codes.'
'What can I say…no archiving! Just love it.'
'The team are entering 6,000 - 6,500 care notes per day as the system is so natural and easy.'
'All the information going into one pot makes us so much stronger.'
'No longer having to sift through files. Staff able to talk confidently to professionals and relatives about the resident based on knowing exactly what's happened.'