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May 03, 2024

Our digital social care record system, mCare, is compliant with the DCB0129 NHS Safety Standard

Assured as safe and meets all the required national standards 



Safety in a care setting is a responsibility that everyone should take seriously. While care workers strive to provide safe care every day, safety is not solely their responsibility. It also depends on their working environment and the digital tools they have access to. 

Today, delivering safe care also requires a strong focus on digital technologies, which have become increasingly essential to our health and care services. Although some digital technologies pose risks, others can transform resident outcomes, support care staff, and save lives.  

Therefore, if you're a care provider planning to go digital or switch care software providers, ensuring that your digital social care record system is compliant with the DCB0129 NHS Safety Standard is crucial. 



What is the DCB0129 NHS Safety Standard?

Digital clinical safety assurance is a process that ensures the safety of health IT used by care professionals and confirms that it meets the required national standards. These standards, DCB0129 and DCB0160 (governed by the NHS) are specifically related to clinical safety and published under section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.  

Compliance with these standards is mandatory. 

The DCB0129 standard is designed to help manufacturers of health IT software evidence the clinical safety of their products.  

Person Centred Software's digital social care record system, mCare, is fully compliant with this standard and is deemed safe by the NHS. 

DPM _ Badge of Compliance _ DCB 0129 - reduced

The DPM Digital Health DCB0129 compliance badge, shown above, demonstrates our compliance with the NHS safety standard. 

The DCB0160 standard applies to health and care providers, and this standard means you must be compliant if you're purchasing and implementing a health IT system, such as a digital social care record system.The applicability of the DCB0160 standard is the same as that of DCB0129; the only difference is that it applies to health and care organisations only, not vendors. 


Ensuring that the most widely used digital social care record system in the UK is compliant with the clinical safety standard DCB0129 is part of our commitment to enable carers to give the best and safest possible care.

Johan Jardevall
CEO at Person Centred Software 


It is crucial to ensure that your digital social care record system complies with the DCB0129 NHS Safety Standard. If it fails to meet the standard, it could potentially endanger the safety of your residents. Therefore, it is essential to inquire with your software provider whether their system is compliant.

Andrew Coles
Chief Product Officer at Person Centred Software 


PCS are leading the way in connecting care homes to the NHS. With this comes a commitment and responsibility to champion standards like DCB0129 and to raise the bar of clinical safety in care.

Hannah Groombridge
Hannah Groombridge
Head of Healthcare Engagement at Person Centred Software


Learn more about mCare

If you want to learn more about mCare, please call us or schedule a demo for a consultation about your care organisation's specific needs. 


May 3, 2024

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