Outstanding Pressure Care People over the age of 70 are more at risk of getting pressure ulcer as older people they likely to have mobility problems and sk
With 2020 kicking-off the decade of healthy ageing, we’re sharing 10 top tips to help you keep elderly residents in tip-top mental and physical health. 10
Health Europa Quartlerly speaks to Person Centred Software’s co-founder and director Jonathan Papworth, about why care providers need to be planning ahead,
Andy explains how Person Centred Software has transformed the service. Care staff can digitally evidence care in real-time and provide better quality care to residents.
Jonathan Papworth, co-founder and director at Person Centred Software, highlights key areas for post COVID-19 care in this month’s Care Home Professional.
Published in Care Home Professional, Care Home Environment, Care England, National Care Forum, Surrey Care, Digital Health, Building Better Healthcare, Car
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, we have added several new features into our digital care system, Mobile Care Monitoring, to help care homes through this crisis.