
Resources » webinars

All you need to know about the new CQC single assessment framework

Watch our informative webinar recording for a detailed update on the new CQC single assessment framework and how to prepare for the new inspection process.

Top Tips from an eMAR expert: Ensuring your care home medication management process is operationally efficient!

In this webinar, Martin Wall, our ATLAS eMAR expert, demonstrates how care providers can utilise their resources through medication efficiency and assist with a variety of operational efficiencies.

An update: The government’s goal is to help care providers go digital with their care planning by the end of March 2024

Watch this webinar recording to get the latest update on the government's funding initiative so far, how people are able to access funding and what that process is currently looking like as we edge closer to the deadline!

FREE WEBINAR: Discover how thousands of care homes are accessing tailored activity and wellness ideas, plans, content and more through the Oomph On-Demand Platform

Join this webinar to discover the Oomph ‘On Demand’ wellbeing and activities platform, which enables residents and care staff to have access to and take part in specialist activity and wellbeing programmes tailored to their individual needs and personal interests.

Going digital with your social care records by 2024: Everything you need to know

Jonathan Papworth, Founder of Person Centred Software, and Andrew Coles, Head of Product at Person Centred Software, dig deep into the ‘Digitising Social Care Records Programme’ by explaining what it is, what the benefits are, what it means for social care, where to start and what important things to consider.

An introduction to Digital Reception

Date: 7th April 2022 | Time: 2 pm GMT About this webinar: Old style visitor books in care homes could soon be a thing of the past thanks to our new Digital

Care Home of the Future

Care organisations are quickly identifying the benefits of technology, some may wonder what does the care home of the future look like?