We’re discussing what care homes can do to make sure that residents feel valued and happy this festive season with the help of Person Centred Software’s Connected Care Platform
As we gear up for festive fun this holiday season, for care homes it is important to ensure that every resident has the opportunity to enjoy a person-centred, individually tailored experience. A care home that strives to provide outstanding care understands that a care home should provide the same warm, inviting and positive environment that family homes should, especially at this time of year, so we’re discussing how the Connected Care Platform can make that happen.
First off, every care home resident will have a unique relationship with the festive season; some may look forward to the traditions and enjoy the build-up and the day itself, but some may have a more complicated, even negative association with the holidays.
That is why it is so important that care staff have strong relationships with residents; staff should know the personalities and histories of their residents and their families, they should understand and know the residents' lives, histories and preferences.
That level of information can be attained by using features of mCare, a product that is part of Person Centred Software’s Connected Care Platform, which can give care homes the chance to strike the perfect balance between making clinical actions with a human element and a personal touch. Here is how...
Who I Am via mCare 
This feature of mCare allows care providers to create a person-centred document for each resident which comprises personalised information such as what is important to them, a summary of their care plan and any wishes for future care. But it can also contain valuable information about their likes and dislikes, as well as information on any traditions or associations they have with, for example, the festive season.
Not only will the Who I Am feature of mCare help care staff to make decisions on activities based on the information available in terms of resident likes and preferences, but it also helps to organise events in such a way that it can minimise disruption in the routines of people who, for example, have dementia and might find changes upsetting.
The feature has personalised information on what keeps residents calm and how best to communicate with them in challenging situations, so if someone with dementia is finding the changes to the routines they have because of the busy festive period, which can sometimes be disruptive and even a bit overwhelming, care staff have all the information they need to reach that person and help them in a positive and reassuring way to ensure they have every chance to enjoy the festive activities that are planned.
Often, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference, and with Who I Am, care staff have all the information they need to ensure that they are providing a truly person-centred experience this Christmas.
Matching Staff and Resident Interests via mCare
Building a bond between care home residents and staff is the cornerstone of providing person-centred care, where clinical actions can be taken with a personalised, human touch. With this feature, a ‘resident and staff activities and interests form’ can be filled in, after which staff and residents can be matched who have similar interests.
This creates a meaningful and engaging relationship between staff and residents, and it gives staff a better understanding of the individual they are caring for. So, for example, if one resident and one carer both enjoy the same carols, the same festive films, or they both enjoy baking festive treats, they can be matched together to partake in the fun!
Relatives Gateway via mCare 
This feature enables relatives to stay connected and communicate with their loved ones more easily through direct messaging and the ability to share photos in a personal gallery. Not only this, but with Relatives Gateway, staff are able to keep relatives' information on how their loved one is doing by sharing details of the care being provided, as well as their general mood and wellbeing.
For families, especially those who’s loved ones have only recently moved into a care home, the festive season can be a difficult time because of the changes to the usual family traditions and occasions. And while many families will visit their loved ones over the holidays and spend some of, if not most of the day, with them at the care home, circumstances can mean that families cannot visit their loved ones who live in care homes over the Christmas period as much as they would like.
But Relatives Gateway is a powerful tool to keep families connected with their loved ones because families can see pictures of their loved one participating in, for example, Christmas jumper day, or a festive quiz, or a carol singing event.
Digital Reception
Digital Reception, Person Centred Software’s integrated hands-free, front-of-house reception system, is the perfect way to keep on top of a record of the family members who will be coming and going over the busy festive period as they come to visit their loved ones.
With Digital Reception, care homes can collect feedback on visits that can help inform how things can be improved to ensure that family members enjoy their visits, it can help you with planned events, it is integrated with the digital care planning system, mCare, so that records of visitors can be updated as care notes in real-time, and much more.
The Oomph! Wellbeing and Activities Platform 
Many of us have our cherished memories, traditions and associations when it comes to the festive period, and for those who live in care homes it is no different.
The Oomph! Wellbeing and Activities Platform has several festive-themed activities, such as baking, wreath-making, carol singing and many more, that will help staff and residents alike get in the festive spirit.
And because the Wellbeing and Activities Platform is part of the Connected Care Platform, information recorded on preferences and life stories can be taken from mCare and applied in the selection of activities that will be the most engaging and enjoyable for each and every resident.
The Connected Care Platform is a full suite of products and features that provide an ecosystem of care that can tackle any challenge that care homes face in the mission to provide outstanding, person-centred care. That task is more important than ever at this time of year, and to find out more details on how Person Centred Software can help you to not only give your residents the Christmas they would like, but the Christmas they deserve, why not book a demo by clicking the button below?