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Jun 11, 2024

Person Centred Software, Digital Transformation NHS England (London Region) and OneLondon won the 'Highly Commended' award at the 2024 HSJ Digital Awards

Connecting health and social care through digital 


Person Centred Software, Digital Transformation NHS England (London Region) and OneLondon won the 'Highly Commended' award last week at the 2024 HSJ Digital Awards for helping to connect health and social care through digital technology.

Supporting the joined up care initiative, Digital Transformation NHS England (London Region) and OneLondon launched a pilot programme connecting the first care homes in London to the London Care Record. This digital shared care record solution gives frontline staff a single and secure view of a person's relevant health and care information. By having access to more comprehensive health information about residents' care, care home staff can now provide residents with more effective care while saving them and other health and care professionals valuable time. 


Thanks to the success of this pilot programme, access to the London Care Record is now being rolled out to more care homes.

As one of the biggest providers of care home software across London, Person Centred Software was selected as a partner for the pilot

Funded by NHS England London Region, Person Centred Software developed an interface to the LCR that allowed care home staff to click a tab on the PCS Electronic Patient Record view when in a care home resident's local record. This then presented the dashboard view of LCR for information held for that resident. 

The pilot ran for eight weeks from November 2022 to February 2023 in 28 care homes in the Capital and meant that for the first time, they could see wider and key information about residents from a range of health and care settings across London. 

Headline findings from the pilot showed:

  • The LCR was used around 2,000 times by care home staff, with hospital discharge summaries, diagnostic reports, laboratory results, and care plans being the most viewed information.
  • Information helped staff provide more effective care to residents, including:
    • Reduced treatment time

    • Faster clinical decision-making
    • Reduced ambulance conveyances
    • Faster discharge
    • Reduced ED visits
    • Faster access to repeat medicines
  • It also saved care home, GP surgery and hospital staff valuable time that could be re-deployed into resident and patient-facing care.

This pilot demonstrates how we can overcome differing digital maturity in health and care by providing a solution that gives care professionals access to essential health information.

Entering the HSJ's 'Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital' Award allowed us to showcase a complex digital project involving many partners that have successfully contributed to better outcomes for care home residents in London while saving health and care professionals valuable time.


Harpreet Shergill, Senior Programme Manager, NHS London Region, says:

''We are delighted to be highly commended in these prestigious awards. It is a testament to many people's hard work, including Person Centred Software, the ICBs, and the Care Home managers across London.


Most importantly, it is about supporting care home staff in providing the best possible care for their residents. So, it is great that the project has made such a positive difference, and we are now rolling out access to the LCR to more care homes across the Capital so even more Londoners can benefit''.




Andrew Coles, Chief Product Officer at Person Centred Software, says:

''We are pleased to have been awarded the 'Highly Commended' award at the 2024 HSJ Digital Awards as recognition for our collaboration with the OneLondon team to enable care homes to connect to the shared care record.  Digital technology is an enabler for better outcomes for those living in social care, and by connecting health and social care settings, we have observed that people's experiences and journeys are less disruptive, helping them receive the right care at the right time. Access to information enables clinicians to make better decisions, reduces stress and alleviates the burden on services.


And we won't stop here. We see this as a step towards our mission to improve health and social care by enabling a more joined up care ecosystem. By demonstrating benefits and receiving recognition for our work, we hope to inspire more providers to follow suit and lead to further innovation in the field''. 


June 11, 2024

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