
Person Centred Software wins Social Care Premier Supplier Awards 2021

Person Centred Software win the Technology category for the Social Care Premier Supplier Awards, which recognises excellence in suppliers of products and service to the care sector.

TECH TALK: Attracting people to care

Published in Care Home Professional Founder of Person Centred Software, Jonathan Papworth, shares how technology can help you overcome today’s recruitment.

Person Centred Software wins Leaders in Care Awards 2021

Leaders in Care Awards 2021 WINNER: Innovative Solutions for Care Homes!

Oaklands Rest Home explains how Mobile Care Monitoring has helped save time and deliver better patient care

Anish Patel, Director at Oaklands Rest Home explains the benefits of using Person Centred Software's Mobile Care Monitoring system.

How Person Centred Software has supported care staff at Cavendish Park - Person Centred Software

Mel Hoskins, Customer Relations Manager at Cavendish Park explains how Mobile Care Monitoring has supported care staff and the care they provide.

Rushall Care Home explains how going paperless has improved efficiency

Chris Goss, Director of Rushall Care Home explains how Person Centred Software helped improve efficiency of care given at the care home.

Athena Care Group talks about how Mobile Care Monitoring has transformed their care staff’s working day

Maxine Nichol, Regional Quality Manager at Athena Care Group explains how Person Centred Software has transformed care staff's working day.

TECH TALK: How far can digitisation take us?

Co-founder and director of Person Centred Software, Jonathan Papworth, takes a look at where next generation care technology is heading.

Why fully integrated digital care systems are the future for better dementia care

Watch how Person Centred Software's digital care management system helps to support dementia care: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUE26qyQ7nY Published in